In the field, in the mineralised corridor, near the Erdenet mine - Top: Dr Munkhtsengel Baatar, Colin McMillan, Professor Ochir Gerel, Gustavo Zulliger, Stuart Hayward; in the autumnal forrest of northern Mongolia Bottom left: Examining outcrop with D. Davaasanbuu (Senior Geologist, Erdenet Mining Corp), Bottom right: Tour vehicles on the road between Erdernet and Ulaanbaatar in the rolling open country of central Mongolia.
After more discussions that led to dinner and further discussion, the group spent the night at Erdernet. Next morning they spent more time in the field with Erdernet geologists looking at the surface expression of mineralisation, before departing at 3:30 pm to drive back to Ulaanbaatar, arriving at 8:00 pm to recheck into their hotel.
Photographs by Mike Porter
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