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CopperBelts 2014
Sediment Hosted Copper in Africa & Europe
Photo Index
[At Tenke-Fungurume]
Inspection of the KOV open pit mine, Kolwezi, Katanga Province, DRC  -  Following lunch, the group was transferred to the large KOV open pit (upper image) where large tonnages of copper-cobalt oxide ore is being mined.
  They first had an introduction from the lookout (bottom left) to show the distribution of the geology and ore, before going down into the pit to traverse the host sequence (lower right) in the Virgule Écaille and compare it with that seen underground in the Kamoto Écaille. The lower centre image is of high grade Lower Orebody ore within the laminated, silicified, algal dolomite of the R.S.F unit of the Mines Subgroup.
  During the pit visit, the large group of 24 tour participants was again split into two parties, each accompanied by three experienced geologists from the Kamoto Copper Company.
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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