End of the Module: - Left Following the presentations at the Compañia Minera del Pacifico offices in La Serena that finalised the El Romeral visit, the group gathered for a final dinner, at their hotel, as next day, after the last visit, the module would end. Some were to leave the tour then, while others continued on to Brazil for Module 2A.
Right The last visit of Module 1B was to the Andacollo porphyry deposit in Central Chile. The image shows chief geologist Twila Griffiths at the Mirador (lookout) pointing out features of the deposit to the group.
On the final day of the module, the group checked out of their hotel early and drove on their charter bus for an hour and a half to Andacollo. Whilst Andacollo is a porphyry copper deposit, it is of the same general age, setting and host stratigraphy in the Coastal Cordillera as the IOCG and related deposits we had visited throughout this Module 1B. The visit involved a comprehensive geological briefing, followed by an overview from the Mirador before going down into the pit to study the leached cap, chalcocite blanket, oxide and hypogene ore. This was followed by lunch, and then the opportunity to study samples from the adjacent gold manto as well as drill core through the Andacollo porphyry copper deposit. In the mid afternoon the group departed to return to La Serena where the tour members took flights to their various destinations. Those continuing on to Module 2A in Brazil flew to Santiago to overnight.
Photographs by Mike Porter
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