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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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At Pierina
At Pierina - Jesus Yalan of Minera Barrick Misquichilco points out the key features of the Pierina ore deposit (Peru) in the main pit (see lower right), assisted by mine geologist Julio Cordova (to his right). Behind are the snow capped peaks of the Cordillera Blanca during an approaching high altitude squall, as seen from the upper benches of the pit (upper right).
  The group had made another early start from Cajamarca to fly 40 minutes south to Huaraz at the foot of the Cordillera Blanca. From there they were driven north to the Barrick Gold Pierina mine for a visit that involved office briefings, a pit visit and drill core inspection. That afternoon they returned to Huaraz to spend the night. The following two days, Saturday 6 and Sunday 8 October was spent flying from Huaraz to Lima on the charter aircraft to connect with a commercial flight to Santiago in Chile where they overnighted, before flying north again to La Serena, to again overnight.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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