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Nickel 2000
The Major Nickel Deposits of the World
Photo Index
On the Nt Hunt Traverse, Australia
The Module 1A, Yilgarn Sulphides and Laterites Tour Group, on the Mt Hunt Traverse, Australia with Ivor Jones (blue shirt on the right) of the Geological Survey of Western Australia.     Photograph by Mike Porter

The Module 1A group had travelled from around the world to rendezvous in Perth, Western Australia on the evening of Sunday 21 May. The following day was spent in a full day workshop outlining the geology, setting and characteristics of the nickel deposits of Western Australia, as well as the details of the regolith, delivered by experts from the Geological Survey of Western Australia, CSIRO, WMC Resources and CRC-LEME, representing government, industry and academia. The following day, the group took an early flight to Kalgoorlie and on to the Kambalda operation of WMC Resources. In the afternoon, they were led on a traverse across the Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt stratigraphy at Mt Hunt by experts from the Geological Survey of Western Australia. By the time the traverse was finished darkness was falling. Then back to Kalgoorlie for the night.

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