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Nickel 2000
The Major Nickel Deposits of the World
Photo Index
The ferro-nickel plant at Cerro Matoso
The ferro-nickel plant at Cerro Matoso, as seen from the mine. The long cylindrical structure is the rotating kiln, a heated structure with a narrow catwalk we walked along in the oppressive tropical heat. However, in hindsight it became a warm memory to be savoured during the following week in the sub-zero snow and cold winds of Arctic Canada.     Photograph by Mike Porter

  By the end of the day, our aircraft was on site at the mine airstrip, and the group departed for Bogota to overnight. Next morning, Friday 9 June, the group flew out to Miami in Florida, USA, where those leaving the tour at the end of Module 2A said their farewells. On the following morning, the remaining tour members took flights out of Miami to Toronto in Canada, and on to Sudbury, Ontario where they met the new starters for Module 2B, Canadian Sulphides.

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