Jingchangyu Mine Visit  - with Jingchangyu Mine staff after returning to the surface  - From left: Mr Zhang (Jinchangyu mine geologist), Mr Zhang (Manager Geology, Jinchangyu Mine), Yang Wanjin, (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Lynda Daley (Newmont, Australia), Dan Power (Newmont, Australia), Liu Huairen, (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Craig Panther (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Alan Ketaren (Ivanhoe Mines, China), John Bimantoro (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Gina Dong (Sino-QZ Group, Australia), Mr Peng (Deputy Mine Manager, Jinchangyu Mine), Steve Rose (Ivanhoe Mines, China).
Bottom right  - underground, the group was taken to representative clean crosscuts across the main ore zones and neighbouring hosts.
Top right  - After the visit, Mr Ji Bingxin, the General Manager (right) points out and discusses the sites visited on a geological plan, supported by Mr Peng, the Deputy Mine Manager (second from left) and Mr Zhang, the Manager Geology (third from left).
Photographs by Mike Porter.
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