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OzGold 2019
Australian Gold Deposits
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[St Ives Overview]
St Ives Overview - Next morning, Friday 8 November, the group departed by charter bus for the Gold Fields Australia St Ives operation, an hours drive south of Kalgoorlie, arriving before 9:00 am. From the main gate, at the head of the causeway onto Lake Lefroy which overlies many of the deposits of the cluster, they were taken to the Exploration OIffice for an introduction and then to the Red Hill Lookout over Lake Lefroy (left image). There they were able to see the extent of the operation and distribution of the component mines, as well as having the main regional geological features pointed out. They then returned to the Exploration Office (lower right image) for a detailed presentation on the geology, structure, mineralisation and alteration of the deposits, but particularly the Invincible deposit.     Images by Mike Porter.

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