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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
Photo Index
In Damiana Pit and Salvador core

At the El Salvador operation   -   Left: Pit geologist Hegel Urrutia points out the key features of of the Damiana exotic copper deposit before the group studied them at the face.   Right: Walter Orquera leads the group through core from a series of representative dill holes through the main El Salvador deposit.

Following the El Salvador visit, the group had driven direct to the El Salvador airport for a 2:50 pm LAN Chile flight, via Copiapo, to Antofagasta, connecting there with a 9:00 pm onward flight to Iquique, arriving at 9:50 pm. They had checked in at their Iquique hotel by 10:20 pm for a short overnight stay.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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