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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
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Drill rigs and turquoise pit

At the Oyu Tolgoi Project, southern Mongolia - Right: Looking at ancient turquoise pits on Turquoise Hill, the main clue to the vast deposit that lay below;   Left:  Three of the 20 drill rigs testing the project at the time of the visit.

After the main visit had concluded, the group had dinner with Ivanhoe staff, while one member gave a presentation on the Cadia Valley porphyry Au-Cu deposit on which they worked, before retiring for the night.
Next morning they departed Oyu Tolgoi at 9:25 am and flew by air charter to Ulaanbaatar, arriving at 11:35 am. They were transferred to the International terminal to await a flight to Beijing which departed at 1:55 pm and arrived at its destination by2:35 pm. Made a connection with a 4:45 pm Shanghai flight to arrive at 6:25 pm and connect with a delayed onward flight to Nanchang that took off at 9:00 pm to arrive at 10:15 pm. On arrival the group transferred to their hotel by 11:00 pm.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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