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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
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Dexing briefings

Briefings at the Dexing mining operation of Jiangxi Copper Corporation, Jiangxi Province, south-eastern China
Left:   Mr Sun Aixiang, the Manager Mining department (centre) briefs the group at the start of the visit, translated by Mr Liu Huairen (second from left).   Below:  Mr Chen LeHuang, Director of Geology & Survey (white hat) continues the briefing in the Tongchang pit.

That morning the group had left their Nanchang hotel to drive by charter vehicles to the Dexing mine, arriving at the Dexing Guest House by 11:00 am, where they were to spend the night. After lunch they were given a briefing by mine geologists, prefaced by an overview by the expert hired to accompany and advise the tour, Mr Liu. This was followed by an open pit visit, later in the afternoon.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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