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Nickel 2000
The Major Nickel Deposits of the World
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Lunch at Plateau/Thio on New Caledonia High grade saprolite
Next morning, Tuesday 30 May, the group left Noumea early for the 90 minute drive across the island to Thio on the east cosat, to visit the large SLN Plateau mine, which exploits a silicate laterite nickel deposit.

Below - Eric Sennavoine and Pierre Charlent demonstrate high grade saprolite ore with green garnierite in fractures in the Plateau Mine at Thio.
Left - lunch near the SLN Plateau Mine at Thio on New Caledonia - baguettes, pate, cheese and red wine while enjoying the view to the harbour and reef below.   Photographs by Mike Porter

After a thorough briefing and geological pit visit, the group continued on to Kone to spend the night. Kone is on the central west coast of the island of New Caledonia.

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