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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
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The Cordillera Blanca and the arrival of the charter plane

The first of the two charter aircraft arrives at Anta (left image)   -   At 8:15 am, on the morning after the Antamina visit, two chartered ATSA Piper Cheyenne III aircraft arrived at the Anta airfield to fly the group to Lima where the module would end. The image shows the aircraft on the runway, while in the upper background cloud rolls across Cordillera Blanca, with only one of the taller local peaks exposed on the left.   Anta is near Huaraz (right image), where the group was required to spend two nights - the first to acclimatise at 3000 m ASL before proceeding to Antamina where they would be at altitudes of up to 4800 m. The Cordillera Blanca, with 5500 to >6000 m peaks, looms over the scene in the background behind Huaraz.   When the group arrived back in Lima later that morning, they said their goodbyes and dispersed to their home bases around the world.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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