The Module 2 Group Photo - composite photo of those that travelled as part of the group (some digitally added). Photo with the Freeport bus that took us from Timika to Tembagapura and on to the Grasberg/Ertsberg operation in Papua, Indonesia.
From left: Dr Munkhtsengel Baatar (Translator, Mongolia - Mongolian Univ. of Sc. & Tech.), Professor Ochir Gerel (Expert Advisor & translator, Mongolia - Mongolian Univ. of Sc. & Tech.), Huw Williams (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Colin McMillan (Newcrest Mining, Australia), Stuart Hayward (Newcrest Mining, Australia), Peter Pelly (BHP Billiton, South Africa), Liu Jianbing (Ivanhoe Mines, China - at top), Gustavo Zulliger (Rio Tinto Mining & Exploration, Argentina - partially concealed), Justin Baulch (Placer Dome, Australia, standing on truck step), Keith Kenny (AngloGold, Australia), Tayfun Cerrah (Teck Cominco, Turkey), Craig Panther (Ivanhoe Mines, China - absent when photo taken), Liu Huai Ren (Expert advisor & translator for Chinese visit - China Ecomine Resources).
Photograph by Mike Porter
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