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Bangola, Mt Nimba, Mt Kalayo, Mt Gao, Mt Segaye, Mt Tia, Mt Tortro, Sipilou, Monogaga
Ivory Coast/Cote d'Ivoire
Main commodities: Fe

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The Bangola, Mount Nimba, Mt Kalayo, Mt Gao, Mt Segaye, Mt Tia, Mt Tortro and Sipilou are banded iron formation (BIF) hosted magnetite-hematite iron deposits located between Guiglo and Man in central-western Cote d'Ivoire, south of the Nimba Range deposits of Liberia and Guinea.   Monogaga is an oolitic goethite and hematite deposit near the coast, between San Pedro and Dabou in the Sassandra district of southern Cote d'Ivoire.

These BIF hosted deposits are located in the southern part of the West African Craton which is exposed in two regions, i). the Man Shield to the south along the south coast of West Africa in Sierra Leone, Liberia and south-east Guinea, and ii). the Reguibat Shield to the north in Mauritania and neighbouring Morrocco and Algeria.

These two shield areas are composed of: i). Cores of Archaean (3100 to 2500 Ma) crystalline rocks. The Archaean of the Man Shield is a granite-greenstone terrane, which comprises 85% granitoid basement of overall granodiorite composition, but ranging from diorite through tonalite to granite, occurring as granitic gneisses and migmatites, mostly quartz-feldspar-biotite and amphibole bearing, metamorphosed to amphibolite and granulite facies. The greenstones occur as linear infolded, north to NE trending remnants of ultramafic lavas and sills, now serpentinites and chloritic schists, with intercalated amphibolites and altered metasediments; and ii). Eastern blocks of Paleoproterozoic (2000 ±200 Ma) 'Eburnean/Birimian terranes', predominantly composed of intrusive granites in the west and volcanic formations in the east, particularly in Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire and Mali on the Man Shield.

The iron deposits of the Man Shield are mainly within the greenstone belts of the Archaean basement in Liberia, Guinea and Cote d'Ivoire.

The BIF mineralisation is south of and similar to that at the Nimba deposit in Liberia and Guinea. The Mount Nimba and Mount Kalayo deposits in Cote d'Ivoire are continuations of the same Nimba mineralisation. See the Nimba (Liberia) record for geological detail.

Monogaga is a series of Minette type Miocene oolitic goethite-hematite deposits. The host sequence comprise i). Basal ferruginous conglomerate of quartzose clasts and sands with a ferruginous cement; ii). Uncemented quartzose gravels including fragments of granite and schist; iii). Ferruginous sandstone with angular quartz grains coated with a mangano-ferruginous concretions; iv). Brown-yellow clayey sands around 12 m thick; v). Saprolitic multicoloured to white clays; and vi). Ferruginous formation, occurring largely as resistant plates that have been transported for a short distance and set in a ferruginous and argillaceous cement, forming a hard capping at the surface.

The Mount Nimba, Mount Kalayo and related BIF deposits are quoted as containing around
      3 Gt @ 40% Fe average (Mbendi website, 2009),
Bangola is quoted to have a potential resource of
      ~1.1 Gt @ 42% Fe, 34% SiO2, 0.02% P (Marelle, 1970),
Sipilou has a quoted resource of 100 Mt @ 40% Fe, 39% SiO2, 0.06% P, 0.7% Al2O3 (Marelle, 1970),
Monogaga has a quoted resource of 200 Mt @ 40% Fe, 13% SiO2, 0.25% P, 11% Al2O3 (Marelle, 1970),

The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 2007.    
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below.
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