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Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Cu-Au & Related Deposits - Vol. 1
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Reference:   Porter, T.M. (ed.), 2000 - Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective, vol. 1, PGC Publishing, Adelaide, 350p.   ISBN 978-0-9580574-0-0.
This is the first of a four volume set, which collectively, represent one of the few comprehensive texts available on the important Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) family of deposits.   This 350 page soft cover and e-book has 24 papers, including overviews from leading international experts and descriptive papers on the classic districts/deposits around the world.
The papers of this volume were invited, reviewed and edited by T M (Mike) Porter of Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd (PGC).   Edition 1 was published through the Australian Mineral Foundation Inc. (AMF) in November 2000;   Edition 2 was published by PGC Publishing in 2002 after being unconditionally assigned copyright by the AMF.   An upgraded Edition 3 was released in 2011.
© copyright to this volume and all of its contents is the property of Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Limited (PGC), trading as PGC Publishing. While it may be used for research purposes, no part of this publication may be otherwise reproduced, stored in a publicly accessable retrieval system, transmitted, or onsold in any form without permission in writing from PGC.
The individual papers that constitute Volume 1 are listed below.
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Open access to full text of individual papers from the Abstract pages below.
  Book Cover
Overview Papers
  •Iron Oxide-Cu-Au Deposits: What, Where, When, and Why?
Murray W. Hitzman, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
  •Alternative Brine Sources for Fe-Oxide (-Cu-Au) Systems: Implications for Hydrothermal Alteration and Metals.
Mark D. Barton & David A. Johnson, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
  •Evidence of a Magmatic Fluid Source for Iron Oxide-Cu-Au Mineralisation.
Dr Peter Pollard, James Cook University, Australia
  •The Chemistry of Crustal Brines: Tracking their Origins.
Bruce W.D. Yardley, David A. Banks & Andrew C. Barnicoat, University of Leeds, UK
  •Iron Oxide Copper (-Gold) Deposits: Their Position in the Ore Deposit Spectrum and Modes of Origin.
Douglas W Haynes, Chief Geologist, BHP Minerals Discovery, Australia
  •Geology of the Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag-REE Deposit.
Lachlan Reynolds, WMC Olympic Dam, Roxby Downs, Australia
  •Overview of Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Deposits in the Curnamona Province and Cloncurry District (Eastern Mount Isa Block), Australia.
Patrick J. Williams, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia & Roger G. Skirrow, Australian Geol. Surv. Organisation, Canberra
  •The Evolution of the Ernest Henry Fe-Oxide-(Cu-Au) Hydrothermal System.
Geordie Mark, Nick H.S. Oliver & Patrick J. Williams, James Cook University Townsville, Rick K. Valenta MIM Exploration Pty Ltd, & Richard A. Crookes, Ernest Henry Mining Pty Ltd
  •Gold-Copper-Bismuth Deposits of the Tennant Creek District, Australia: A Reappraisal of Diverse High-Grade Systems.
Roger G. Skirrow, Minerals Division, Australian Geological Survey Organisation
  •The Portia - North Portia Cu-Au(-Mo) Prospect, South Australia; Timing of Mineralisation, Albitisation and Origin of Ore Fluid.
Graham S Teale, Teale and Associates Pty Ltd, Australia, C Mark Fanning Australian National University
The Americas
  •La Candelaria and the Punta del Cobre District: Early Cretaceous Iron-Oxide Cu-Au(-Zn-Ag) Mineralization.
Robert Marschik, Lehrstuhl für Lagerstättenlehre, Institut für Mineralogie, Germany (currently Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A); Richard A. Leveille, Phelps Dodge do Brasil Mineraçäo S.A., Brazil; Walter Martin, Compañía Contractual Minera Candelaria, Chile
  •The Panulcillo and Teresa de Colmo Copper Deposits; Two Contrasting Examples of Fe-Ox Cu-Au Mineralisation from the Coastal Cordillera of Chile.
David Hopper & Arturo Correa, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Limited, Chile
  •Alemão Copper-Gold (-U-REE) Deposit, Carajãs, Brazil.
Petronilia C. Ronze, Anselmo D. V. Soares, Marcos Giovanni S. dos Santos, Célio F. Barreira, Rio Doce Geologia e Mineração SA, DOCEGEO, Brazil.
  •The Igarapé Bahia Au-Cu-(REE-U) Deposit, Carajás Mineral Province, Northern Brazil.
Edison Tazava & Claudinei Gouveia de Oliveira, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
  •Salobo 3 Alpha Deposit: Geology and Mineralisation.
Leonado H. Souza, Anglo American Brasil & Eduardo A. P. Vieira Docegeo
  •The Salobo Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold Deposit, Carajas, Northern Brazil.
Karin Requia & Luis Fontbote, University de Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
  •Southeast Missouri Iron Metallogenic Province: Characteristics and General Chemistry.
Cheryl M. Seeger, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey, USA
  •Geology of the Proterozoic Iron Oxide-Hosted Nico Cobalt-Gold-Bismuth, and Sue-Dianne Copper-Silver Deposits, Southern Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Robin E. Goad, Fortune Minerals Limited, Canada, A. Hamid Mumin, Brandon University, Canada, Norman A. Duke, University of Western Ontario, Canada, Kathryn L. Neale, Fortune Minerals Limited, Canada, Derek L. Mulligan, Fortune Minerals Limited, Canada
Eurasia & Africa
  •Iron Oxide Systems and Base Metal Mineralisation in Northern Sweden.
Christopher J. Carlon, Anglo American Plc
  •The Geology and Genesis of the Bayan Obo Fe-Ree-Nb Deposit: A Review.
Martin Smith, The Natural History Museum, U.K, and Wu Chengyu, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration, China
  •Exploration for Iron Oxide Copper Gold Deposits in Zambia and Sweden; Comparison with the Australian Experience.
Bruce Nisbet, John Cooke, Michael Richards and Craig Williams, Equinox Resources Limited, Australia
  •The Vergenoeg Fayalite Iron-Oxide Fluorite Deposit, South Africa: Some New Aspects.
Petrus J. Fourie, Vergenoeg Mining Company (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
  •Mineralisation of the Phalaborwa Complex and the carbonatite connection In Iron Oxide-Cu-Au-U-REE deposits.
Robin E Harmer, Economic Geology Unit, Council For Geoscience, South Africa
  •The Phalabowra (Palabora) Deposit and Its Potential Connection to Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold Deposits of Olympic Dam Type.
Noreen M. Vielreicher, David I. Groves and Richard M. Vielreicher, The University of Western Australia
This book was initially published as the proceedings volume to the Australian Minerals Foundation (AMF) Conference Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits; A Global Perspective that was held on 4 and 5 December, 2000 in Perth Western Australia and developed by T M (Mike) Porter of Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd (PGC). The papers included those presented at the conference, complemented by additional related contributions.

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