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  Publications and Conferences
Recent papers by T.M. (Mike) Porter published in scientific journals, conference proceedings, or as monograph chapters,
Conferences organised by Mike Porter, in full or in part, including planning the content and coverage, selecting and inviting expert speakers, and editing the proceedings volume.
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Recent published papers
Piranjo, F., Gonzáles-Álvarez, I., Border, A. and Porter, T.M., 2017 - Mount Weld and Gifford Creek rare earth elements carbonatites, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 163-166.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - Boddington-Wandoo gold-copper deposit, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 287-290.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - Telfer gold copper deposit, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 417-421.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - Nifty and Maroochydore copper deposits, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 423-426.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - McArthur River Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 479-482.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - Angas Zn-Pb-Ag-Au deposit, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 665-666.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - Cadia gold-copper deposits, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 755-758.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - Stawell gold deposit, in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 801-806.

Porter, T.M., 2017 - Other significant deposits (Mt Cattlin Li-Ta; Agnew Au; O'Callaghans W; Mt Peake V-Ti-Fe; White Dam Au), in Phillips G.N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits, The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne, Monograph 32, pp. 857-864.

Porter, T.M., 2015 - The geology, structure and mineralisation of the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum deposits, Mongolia: A review - Geoscience Frontiers, v. 7 (3), pp. 375-407, doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2015.08.003. Open access, full text available online.

Porter, T.M., 2015 - Regional tectonics, geology, magma chamber processes and mineralisation of the Jinchuan nickel-copper-PGE deposit, Gansu Province, China: A review - Geoscience Frontiers, v. 7 (3), pp. 431-451, doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2015.10.005. Open access, full text available online.

Seltmann, R., Porter, T.M. and Pirajno, F., 2014 - Geodynamics and metallogeny of the Central Eurasian porphyry and related epithermal mineral systems: A review; Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.79, pp. 810-841.

Porter, T.M., 2012 - IOCG Sensu Stricto Deposits as a Subset of Broader Iron Oxide Associated-Alkali Altered Mineralised Systems - Oral Paper, IOCG Symposium, 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, Thursday 9 August, 2012.

Porter, T.M., 2012 - Tectono-Magmatic and Hydrothermal Setting of Iron Oxide Associated-Alkali Altered Mineralised Systems and IOCG Sensu Stricto Deposits - Poster, IOCG Symposium, 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, Thursday 9 August, 2012.

Seltmann, R. and Porter, T.M., 2005 - The Porphyry Cu-Au/Mo Deposits of Central Eurasia: 1. Tectonic, Geologic and Metallogenic Setting and Significant Deposits; in Porter, T.M. (Ed.), Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits: A Global Perspective; PGC Publishing, Adelaide, v. 2, pp. 467-512.

Porter, T.M., 1998 to 2010 - Numerous other papers (mostly externally refereed) in PGC Publishing books, as listed on the PGC Books page.   See also Google Scholar and Researchgate.

Conferences     Technical programs developed and organised by Porter GeoConsultancy
SGA 2009 Conference, Session B6   Genesis of Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold Deposits    Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 17 to 20 August, 2009
Co-convener of session with:
  Louise Corriveau (Geological Survey of Canada) & Fernando Tornos (Geological Survey of Spain)
Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective    Perth, Western Australia, 4 and 5 December, 2000
Arranged with and for the Australian Mineral Foundation Inc., who managed the conference
Porphyry and Hydrothermal Copper and Gold Deposits: A Global Perspective    Perth, Western Australia, 30 November to 1 December, 1998,
Arranged with and for the Australian Mineral Foundation Inc., who managed the conference

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