PorterGeo Learning from the rocks
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  Experience TM Porter
The functions provided by   Porter GeoConsultancy   are based on the experience of:

T. M. (Mike) PORTER
which includes:
  • A Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Geology and Chemistry, with Honours in Economic Geology at the University of Adelaide, Australia, conferred in 1969.
  • Over 54 years in the industry, including 27 as a geologist with one of the world's leading mineral exploration companies of the latter half of the twentieth century, CRA Exploration Pty Limited (CRA merged with RTZ in 1996 to become Rio Tinto). Employment during this period commenced with joining the company as a graduate geologist in January 1969 and culminated in the position of Chief Geologist for 10 years up to late 1996.
  • Experience over much of that period in both direct field exploration and in project management.
  • Conceptual work, based on visits to ore deposits and mineral provinces around the world, and subsequently applied in extensive project generation in a diverse range of geological terranes and commodities.
  • The establishment and maintenance over a six year period of a digital information & database system for CRA Exploration, to archive, manage and make available the company's internal exploration data and other external information.
  • Over 27 years working as the principal of Porter GeoConsultancy, running our International Study Tours series of professional development courses, organising, editing and publishing a series of authoritative volumes on IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper-Gold) and porphyry copper and gold deposits, and geological consulting that evaluated and assembled information on various regions around the world.
  • Visits to more than 500 of the world's significant ore deposits in North & South America, Africa, Eurasia & Australasia during both the period with CRA Exploration and with our International Study Tours professional development courses.
  • A wide understanding and familiarity with the geology and metallogeny of the world, through first hand experience, and knowledge gained during the preparation of geological descriptions for >1800 of the world's more significant ore deposits and their settings for our free online ore deposit database. The database records are based on mine and field visits detailed above, and from extensive literature research.
  • Compilations covering many of the world's major mineral provinces, based on both field work/visits and on extensive literature research.
Studies over the last fifty years have included:
  • Twelve months in 1977-78 seconded to the RTZ World Study Group in London to investigate world tin and tungsten deposit geology, which involved visiting over 60 deposits in 22 countries in North and South America, Eurasia/SE Asia, Africa and Australasia, and compiling a 700 page report,
  • The tectonic and geological setting and Cu-Mo-Au deposits of the Andes,
  • The tectonic and geological setting and deposits of the Central African Copperbelt,
  • Copper metallogeny of the South-west Pacific Archipelago,
  • Evaluation of the mineral potential & generation of exploration targets in Madagascar,
  • Evaluation of the non-sulphide zinc potential of southern Australia,
  • The zinc potential of Brazil, followed by project generation,
  • The geology, major ore deposits, and distribution of mineralisation along the North American cordillera,
  • The geology and mineral deposits of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in central and eastern Eurasia,
  • The gold deposits of Ghana and adjacent West Africa,
  • The geology and mineral deposits of northern peninsular India,
  • The geology and mineral deposits of Southern and Central Africa,
  • The geology and mineralisation of Brazil and neighbouring South America.
  • The Lubin copper deposits in Poland,
  • The sediment hosted copper deposits of the World,
  • The Noril'sk - Talnakh nickel-copper-PGE deposits of Russia,
  • The geology and reserves of the major zinc deposits of the world.
  • Project generation in all states of Australia.

NOTE: Since late 2019, the functions provided by Porter GeoConsultancy are now restricted to maintaining and expanding our complimentary Ore Deposit Database. Our International Study Tour and Consulting services have been discontinued. The sale of our books via our online Bookshop has also been discontinued, with all contained papers now open access by re quest or direct download from our Books Page.

Ore deposit knowledge
Image by: Mike Porter
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