Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits - Vol. 1
Porter, T.M. (ed.), 2005 - Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits: A Global Perspective; PGC Publishing, Adelaide, v. 1, 280 pages - ISBN 978-0-9580574-2-4.
This two volume soft cover and e-book set describes the great porphyry Cu-Au/Mo deposits and provinces around the globe and throughout geological time. They comprise 25 original papers, as 550 pages of close spaced text illustrated by over 280 figures, images and diagrams.
The content of this volume was designed and reviewed by the editor, T M (Mike) Porter of PGC Publishing. Many of the world's leading researchers and experts on both this style of mineralisation and individual ore deposits were invited to present the latest ideas, observations and descriptions. Authors are from academia, government agencies and industry.
© copyright to this volume and all of its contents is the property of Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Limited (PGC), trading as PGC Publishing. While it may be used for research purposes, no part of this publication may be otherwise reproduced, stored in a publicly accessable retrieval system, transmitted, or onsold in any form without permission in writing from PGC.
The individual papers that constitute Volume 1 are listed below.
Open access to full text of individual papers from the Abstract pages below.
General Papers |
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• | Cumulative Factors in the Generation of Giant Calc-Alkaline Porphyry Cu Deposits. | |  |
| Jeremy P Richards, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada. | |
• | Thermal History Analysis of Selected Chilean, Indonesian and Iranian Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposits. | |  |
| Brent I.A. McInnes, Noreen J. Evans, CSIRO Exploration & Mining, Perth, WA, Australia, Frank Q. Fu, University of Sydney, NSW Australia, Steve Garwin, Geoinformatics Exploration Australia, Perth, WA, Elena Belousova, W.L. Griffin, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia, Alfredo Bertens, Codelco Chile, Djadjang Sukarna, Sam Permanadewi, Geological Research & Development Centre, Bandung, Indonesia, Ross L. Andrew, Rio Tinto Exploration Pty. Limited, Melbourne, Vic., Australia, and Katja Deckart, Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile | |
South America |
• | The Andean Porphyry Systems. | |  |
| Francisco Camus, Codelco-Chile, Santiago, Chile | |
• | Origin of Giant Miocene and Pliocene Cu-Mo Deposits in Central Chile: Role of Ridge Subduction, Decreased Subduction Angle, Subduction Erosion, Crustal Thickening and Long-Lived, Batholith-Size, Open-System Magma Chambers. | |  |
| Charles R Stern, M Alexandra Skewes, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, USA. | |
• | The El Teniente Megabreccia Deposits, the Worlds Largest Copper Deposit. | |  |
| M Alexandra Skewes, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, USA, Alejandra Arévalo, Ricardo Floody, Patricio H Zuñiga, Codelco Chile, El Teniente, Rancagua, Chile, Charles R Stern, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, USA. | |
• | A Review of the Geology and Mineralisation of the Alumbrera Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, Northwestern Argentina. | |  |
| Steve C Brown, Minera Alumbrera Limited, Catamarca, Argentina. | |
• | The Escondida Porphyry Copper Deposit, Northern Chile: Its Discovery, Setting, Geology, Hypogene Mineralisation and Supergene Ore - A Review. | |  |
| T Mike Porter, Porter GeoConsultancy, Adelaide, South Australia | |
• | Chuquicamata, Core of a Planetary Scale Cu-Mo Anomaly. | |  |
| Alejandro Faunes, Fernando Hintze, Private Consultants, Santiago de Chile, Chile, Armando Siaña, Héctor Véliz, Mario Vivanco and Geological Staff, Superintendencia Geología de Producción, Codelco Norte. Chuquicamata, Chile. | |
• | Geology and Discovery of Porphyry Cu-Mo-Ag Deposits in the Collahuasi District Northern Chile. | |  |
| Glenton J. Masterman, David R. Cooke, Centre for Ore Deposit Research (CODES SRC), University of Tasmania, Richard L. Moore, Toronto, Canada. | |
• | The Geology of the Antamina Copper-Zinc Deposit, Peru, South America. | |  |
| Eric J Lipten, Scott W Smith, Compañía Minera Antamina S.A., Peru. | |
North America |
• | The Geologic History of Oxidation and Supergene Enrichment in the Porphyry Copper Deposits of Southwestern North America. | |  |
| Sterling S. Cook, ASARCO Inc., Ray Mine, Arizona, USA, and T Mike Porter, Porter GeoConsultancy, Adelaide, South Australia. | |
• | Geology of the Bingham Mining District, Salt Lake County, Utah. | |  |
| Charles H Phillips, retired Chief Geologist, Edward D Harrison, Tracy W Smith, Kennecott Utah Copper, Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA. | |
• | Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits of the Highland Valley District, Guichon Creek Batholith, British Columbia, Canada. | |  |
| William J McMillan, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines (retired), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. | |