Khusib Springs |
Namibia |
Main commodities:
Zn Cu Pb Ag Sb
Super Porphyry Cu and Au

IOCG Deposits - 70 papers
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The Khusib Springs Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag-(As-Sb-Ge) deposit is located approximately 40 km southeast of Tsumeb in in the Otavi Mountain Land of eastern Namibia.
It is a small though high-grade carbonate-hosted, 'Tsumeb-type', base metal deposit containing approximately 0.3 Mt @ 10% Cu, 1.8% Pb and 584 ppm Ag.
It comprises a lens-shaped sulphide orebody that is elongated parallel to bedding and is up to 10 m thick. This lens dips south at 40° and is up to 110 m in down dip extent and has a long dimension of nearly 150 m.
The sulphides replace locally brecciated limestone of the lower Tsumeb Subgroup (a member of the Neoproterozoic Damara Supergroup) on the northern limb of a large northeast-trending synclinal structure. The orebody is surrounded by a prominent halo of dolomite alteration.
Drill intersections through the deposit reveal that the uppermost 2 m are enriched in Zn (up to 5%) and Ag (up to 3350 ppm), but is lower in Ge (<30 ppm) than the central and lower parts of the orebody, which are enriched in Ge (up to 200 ppm) and Pb (up to 7%).
The massive sulphide ore comprises a texturally complex mineral assemblage dominated by Zn-rich tennantite, enargite, galena and pyrite. Fe-poor sphalerite is abundant in the uppermost part of the orebody and in the footwall where it forms a prominent zone of disseminated sphalerite ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite. The upper part of the massive ore is also characterised by late-stage phases including tetrahedrite, Ag-bearing tennantite, pearceite-polybasite and native silver. The central and lower sections comprise tennantite-enargite-galena concentrations with variable pyrite, but little or no sphalerite.
Melcher et al., (2006) proposed a polyphase paragenesis involving three successive stages, namely: i). An early sphalerite-pyrite-(-chalcopyrite-bornite) mineralisation, replaced by ii). tennantite, enargite, galena and Ge-bearing colusite, and iii). A late stage which overprints parts of the orebody at lower temperatures leading to precipitation of 'schalenblende' (Cu- and Ag-rich), digenite, tetrahedrite and pearceiteŠpolybasite.
The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 2006.
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below. © Copyright Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, storage or dissemination prohibited.
Melcher F, Oberthur T and Rammlmair D, 2006 - Geochemical and mineralogical distribution of germanium in the Khusib Springs Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag sulfide deposit, Otavi Mountain Land, Namibia : in Ore Geology Reviews v28 pp 32-56
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