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Honeymoon Well - Hannibals, Corella, Harrier, Wedgetail, Jericho, West Jordan
Western Australia, WA, Australia
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The Honeymoon Well group of disseminated and massive nickel sulphide deposits extend over a NW trending, 17 km long interval, located approximately 45 km SSE of Wiluna in Western Australia, and immediately to the north of the Mt Keith nickel mine. The individual deposits include Hannibals, Corella, Harrier and Wedgetail (#Location: 26° 40'S, 120° 25'E).

A brief overview of the West Jordan and Jericho resources, which are ~10 to 15 km SSE of Honeymoon Well, are near the end of this summary.

The Honeymoon Well orebodies are the most northerly of numerous known nickel sulphide deposits within the 2.7 Ga Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt. Within the interval occuppied by these deposits, the greenstone belt is 6 to 7 km wide and composed of a regional west-younging sequence, with local folded and faulted reversals, of a lower basalt/gabbro unit, including a laterally persistent basaltic komatiite flow, felsic to intermediate volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, a heterogeneous komatiite sequence and a western felsic/basalt sequence. The host ultramafic sequence at Honeymoon Well is 1.5 to 3.0 km wide, and comprises a diverse suite of metamorphosed komatiite lithologies, including spinifex-textured rocks, olivine orthocumulate, mesocumulate and adcumulate, all of which are believed to have been formed in a volcanic environment. Minor augite and augite-plagioclase cumulates define fractionated cyclic units within the interpreted upper parts of the ultramafic sequence. The variations in composition between orthocumulates, mesocumulates and adcumulates largely reflect differences in igneous porosity, ie. the olivine packing density.

The metamorphosed olivine adcumulates and mesocumulates have not retained any igneous minerals, with the exception of minor to trace amounts of partly altered chromite within stichtite aggregates. The dominant metamorphic assemblages are lizardite-pyroaurite-stichtite-magnetite plus brucite, chromite and lizardite-brucite-pyroaurite-stichtite. This latter assemblage occurs in 20 m wide, up 0.5 x 1.5 km zones and is highly unusual in serpentinised olivine-rich cumulates. While the antigorite-carbonate-magnetite + stichtite and particularly talc-carbonate + magnetite assemblages dominate large volumes of rock, they are mostly associated with faults and shear zones particularly where these occur along ultramafic/country rock contacts. Olivine orthocumulate and most spinifex-textured rocks comprise variable proportions of serpentine (mostly antigorite), tremolite, chlorite, carbonate, magnetite and relict igneous chromite. Chromite generally occurs as equant grains, rimmed and veined by magnetite although partly skeletal chromites are locally present. In places the olivine orthocumulates contain minor igneous kaersuitite and rarely clinopyroxene. Recrystallised spinifex-textured rocks and associated olivine orthocumulates generally retain coarse-grained pyroxenes and, with few exceptions, only rarely retain other minerals from their high temperature metamorphic assemblage.

Coarse-grained olivine adcumulate forms the core and bulk of the komatiite complex, with olivine mesocumulate, olivine orthocumulate, spinifex-textured rocks and minor, medium-grained olivine adcumulate occurring around the margins and as narrow horizons within the complex. The dip of lithological units and structures are highly variable ranging from 30° to vertical, while most contacts between major rock units and bounding the ultramafic complex, are faults. There are two styles of these contact faults: i). relict D1 thrust structures that occur as discrete 5 to 20 cm wide mylonite zones enclosed by rocks with well preserved igneous-textured rocks and with little associated carbonate alteration; and ii). foliated and brecciated zones, which are highly variable in width and definition and appear to be contemporaneous with metamorphic alteration, with associated intense carbonate alteration. Some of the latter appear to be strike slip faults and may be reactivated D1 thrust faults, which in ultramafic rocks may change along strike or down dip from relatively well-defined shear zones into a wide, poorly-defined anastomosing network of veins and small shears.

The komatiite stratigraphy of the host ultramafic complex has been duplicated by faulting during D1 thrust faulting, while folding and deformation during D2 produced talc carbonate rich NNW trending strike slip faults and shear zones that further duplicated parts of the sequence. The stratigraphic stacking accounts, in part, for the anomalous thickness of the ultramafic rocks at Honeymoon Well compared to the remainder of the belt.

The ultramafic sequence at Honeymoon Well is covered by 50 to 120 m of sediments, comprising 5 to 25 m of cemented sands and grits, 0 to 40 m of transported clays and minor basal gravels and a 30 to 60 m residual regolith which over the ultramafic rocks consists of an upper brown, strongly leached, highly porous and partially silicified, goethite-rich upper saprolite, a green-grey clay-rich lower saprolite, and then saprock overlying the bedrock, locally with thick hard, highly porous, laterally discontinuous silica-minor goethite layers.

The ore occurs as:
Disseminated Sulphides - In olivine sulphide mesocumulate and olivine sulphide adcumulate, sulphide aggregates occur between closely-packed olivine pseudomorphs with a general lobate shape. Sulphide aggregates in olivine sulphide orthocumulate tend to be more blebby and may be relatively coarse-grained (up to 5 mm). Metamorphic reconstitution of the rocks has significantly modified the shape and mineralogy of the aggregates, particularly where non-pseudomorphic antigorite-carbonate or talc-carbonate has replaced a large proportion of lizardite, all evidence of former igneous sulphide aggregates has been destroyed and sulphides have been redistributed into irregular, scattered and smaller aggregates. In rocks with relatively low Ni:S ratios sulphide aggregates are commonly veined and partly surrounded by magnetite, whereas in rocks with higher Ni:S ratios, magnetite is a minor component or is entirely absent, with heazlewoodite-pentlandite and heazlewoodite-only assemblages. Igneous textures are rarely preserved by the extensive recrystallisation of serpentine.
Massive sulphides - In both massive sulphide and massive sulphide breccia in the Wedgetail deposit, interlocking anhedral to blocky grains of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite and minor to trace gersdorffite generally form a massive fabric, with only minor weakly foliated massive sulphide. Chalcopyrite occurs as small intergranular, irregular shaped grains, while gersdorffite is related to As-Au-carbonate alteration that postdates the main regional metamorphism.
Supergene mineralisation - occurs in the upper, strongly weathered parts of the deposits and in patches deep within the deposits, characterised by violarite, pyrite and magnetite in rocks with a Ni:S ratio below about 1.3, while rocks with Ni:S ratios of >1.3 millerite may occur along grain boundaries and fractures in pentlandite and heazlewoodite or be finely intergrown with violarite.

The individual deposits may be summarised as follows:

Harrier Disseminated Sulphide Deposit

Harrier is the southernmost of the Honeymoon Well deposits and occurs along the eastern contact of the main olivine adcumulate-bearing ultramafic unit.

It contains 43.0 Mt @ 0.64% Ni (based on a 0.4% Ni cut off, and to a depth of 300 m). The nickel sulphides are hosted by olivine sulphide mesocumulate with minor olivine sulphide orthocumulate. The deposit, is overlain by from 55 to 120 m of overburden and extends over a strike length of at least 1700 m. It varies from 30 to 140 m in width.

On its eastern margin, the ultramafic sequence is in fault contact with metamorphosed andesitic to dacitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks, with thin, discontinuous olivine spinifex-textured komatiite units, in places containing disseminated and massive nickel sulphides. This eastern fault zone has removed the lower section of the ultramafic sequence, while the stratigraphy to the west of the fault appears to be relatively intact and the Harrier deposit appears to not be significantly structurally disrupted. The nickel sulphide-bearing sequence grades upwards into barren olivine mesocumulate and then, in places, into olivine adcumulate.

Nickel bearing sulphide lenses occur as one or more olivine sulphide mesocumulate and less developed lensoid olivine sulphide adcumulate layers within the ultramafic sequence. The true width of these sulphide-bearing horizons is highly variable ranging from 10 to 140 m. The nickel sulphide host lithologies are dominated by lizardite-rich assemblages, with a significant proportion of the host sequence having been altered by carbonate-bearing fluids to produce a zoned pattern with lizardite assemblages grading into antigorite-carbonate assemblages which, in places, envelope talc-carbonate rocks. Most talc-carbonate rocks are strongly recrystallised, massive rocks or are foliated, although rare pseudomorphed igneous textures are present in low strain zones.

The sulphide content of the mineralised ultramafic rocks typically varies between 1 to 5 modal percent, being highest in olivine sulphide orthocumulate which may contain >3% Ni. In lizardite-rich olivine sulphide mesocumulate, sulphides typically form lobate aggregates between former olivine grains whereas in olivine sulphide orthocumulate sulphides in the intercumulus space are blebby. In antigorite-carbonate and particularly talc-carbonate rocks strong recrystallisation of gangue minerals has destroyed much of the magmatic texture of sulphide aggregates, and sulphides are commonly intergrown with antigorite blades, talc aggregates or relatively coarse-grained carbonate grains. Arsenic - bearing minerals are patchily associated with these latter rocks.

The primary sulphides include pentlandite with trace chalcopyrite, pentlandite-heazlewoodite and minor heazlewoodite-only are the dominant sulphide assemblages in lizardite and most antigorite-rich rocks. In lizardite-rich assemblages chalcopyrite mostly occurs in veins with pyroaurite, brucite, magnetite and pyrite, and is only rarely present in relict magmatic sulphide aggregates. In talc and some antigorite-rich rocks the sulphides comprise pentlandite, millerite, trace chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and patchy gersdorffite, niccolite and maucherite. The mineralisation can be divided into: i). High-Cu mineralisation, containing 40 to 2000 ppm Cu, having relatively low Ni:S ratios of 0.5 - 1.3, and with a sulphide mineralogy dominated by pentlandite with trace tochilinite, chalcopyrite and in places pyrrhotite. Alteration to violarite and minor pyrite is relatively abundant. This ore is commonly hosted in dark green lizardite- rich assemblages and some antigorite - carbonate assemblages with veins containing a relatively high proportion of carbonate. ii). Low-Cu mineralisation carrying 0 to 40 ppm Cu, with high Ni:S ratios of from 1.2 to 3.0, and with the sulphides of pentlandite and heazlewoodite with minor alteration to millerite. Magnetite is absent, usually with no detectable Cu despite grades of up to 2% Ni and elevated Co and PGE. This ore is mostly hosted by dark to very light green lizardite-rich rocks containing a low proportion of antigorite-assemblages and the vein mineralogy is dominated by brucite and pyroaurite/iowaite. This second ore type forms about 40% of the Harrier resource.

Corella Disseminated Sulphide Deposit

Corella is located along the north east contact of the Honeymoon Well ultramafic complex. It contains and estimated 53.5 Mt @ 0.62% Ni (based on a 0.4% Ni cut off, and to a depth of 300 m) with a north-south strike length of 1400 m and a width ranging from 20 to 100 m.

The host sequence Corella is composed of a wide variety of lithologies including olivine adcumulate, olivine sulphide adcumulate, olivine mesocumulate, olivine sulphide mesocumulate, high porosity olivine sulphide orthocumulate, olivine orthocumulate and minor spinifex textured flows which have been recrystallised under high temperature metamorphic conditions. The ultramafic sequence is strongly deformed and sheared with multiple lithological units, including mineralised rock typs, occurring as fault-bounded boudins on various scales and lithologies that are interdigitated by both the original stratigraphy and structural dislocation. Shearing has resulted in significantly higher density and thickness of veins compared to the other deposits. Igneous textures are generally well preserved between the shears and faults. The olivine sulphide orthocumulate and olivine orthocumulate consist dominantly of pseudomorphic antigorite-carbonate with minor chromite, tremolite, chlorite and rarely kaersuititic amphibole, while the originally more olivine-rich rocks were altered to lizardite-brucite-stichtite-bearing assemblages. Talc-carbonate alteration is mostly found along the eastern ultramafic fault contact, outside of the Ni sulphide resource.

The ultramafic sequence is sub-vertical throughout the deposit although to the south, parts of the sequence dip to the west at depth. The eastern margin the ultramafic rocks are faulted against basalts and minor gabbros to the north, and andesitic rocks to the south. The fault is sub-parallel to the mineralised sequence in plan, but in cross section has a variable attitudes, varying from west dips to the north where it truncates the mineralised sequence at depth. To the south it dips to the east away from the mineralisation.

Within the preserved part of the ultramafic sequence the interpreted stratigraphy is, from east to west: Barren olivine orthocumulate; the mineralised sequence of olivine sulphide adcumulate; then olivine sulphide mesocumulate; overlying olivine sulphide orthocumulate and olivine orthocumulate. This sequence was originally capped by spinifex-textured flows and mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks. Up-sequence and to the west there is minor olivine mesocumulate, then medium-grained olivine adcumulate grading into the very coarse-grained olivine adcumulate that forms the central core to the Honeymoon Well ultramafic complex.

The mineralised sequence varies along strike, with olivine sulphide orthocumulate and olivine sulphide mesocumulate dominating in the north and olivine sulphide adcumulate and minor olivine sulphide orthocumulateto the south. The sequence thins and grades into barren olivine adcumulate to the north, while to the south the mineralised sequence is truncated by a NW trending fault.

The oxide/supergene boundary is at between 55 and 75 m, with an ~10 m thick supergene blanket, and is the shallowest of the deposits, with the overlying transported clay layer being absent over most of the deposit. Localised thickening of mineralised section of the deposit is the result of fault induced stratigraphic repetition related to early thrusting. In detail, this thickening, has resulted in numerous small, discontinuous lenses of mineralisation occurring in otherwise barren rocks. Nickel grades vary from 0.35 to >2.5% being highest in the olivine sulphide orthocumulate. As at Harrier both high-Cu and low-Cu mineralisation types are present although there is relatively little low-Cu type ore.

Hannibals Disseminated Sulphide Deposit

Hannibals is located along the western contact of the Honeymoon Well ultramafic complex within a fault-bounded, west-younging sequence of olivine mesocumulate and minor olivine adcumulate, olivine orthocumulate and spinifex-textured rocks that can be traced for about 2.4 km along strike. This sequence also hosts the Harakka deposit.

It contains an estimated 36.1 Mt @ 0.70% Ni (based on a 0.4% Ni cut off, and to a depth of 300 m). It is divided into western and eastern overlapping fault blocks, which are stratigraphic equivalents repeated across a central reactivated D1 thrust fault. The eastern boundary of the eastern block and much of the western block are in fault contact with the central olivine adcumulate across a major, discrete, planar structure with locally preserved mylonite fabrics that transgresses the mineralised sequence at a low angle to the stratigraphy. The mineralised sequence is in fault contact with a sequence of tholeiitic basalt flows to the wet, some of which have doleritic to gabbroic centres, and minor interflow carbonaceous and pyritic shale. In the vicinity of the faults, the sequence shows reversals in facing due to folding and faulting and is schistose, although lows further from the contact are consistently west-younging.

In the eastern fault block, thin olivine orthocumulate and spinifex-textured rock units are found lateral to the high grade core suggesting that the sulphide shoot fills a possible 30-80 m deep, 150 m wide channel. The western fault block is more complicated due to layer-parallel faulting, although the block extends southward for several hundred metres as a 20-60 m wide sequence between the central fault and metabasalts to the west. A sub-horizontal high Ni-grade core occurs within the mineralised sequence, thinning dramatically to boththe north and south.

The mineralisation occurs as disseminated sulphides with trace to ~3 modal percent sulphide with 0.35 % to 2.4% Ni within variously preserved igneous horizons which have gradational to sharp (faulted) contacts with barren or weakly mineralised olivine mesocumulate. Down dip and along strike from the central portions of the mineralisation the sulphide layers thin and generally reduce in grade and interdigitate with barren rocks. The oxide/supergene boundary is from 60 to 104 m where the supergene zone averages 15 m in thickness. The majority of the sulphides occur as scattered aggregates enclosed by oxide, carbonate and silicate gangue minerals, while sulphide aggregates generallyhave modified lobate shapes. Chalcopyrite is predominantly found in veins with pyroaurite, brucite, magnetite and pyrite and is only rarely present in relict magmatic sulphide aggregates. The mineralisation can be divided into low and high Cu types with the low-Cu ore type forming about 60% of the volume of the deposit. The eastern and western fault blocks have different proportions of these two mineralisation types with a higher proportion of the low-Cu type and a higher Ni:S ratio in the eastern block together with higher lizardite, pyroaurite/brucite and lower carbonate contents in comparison to the western block.

Wedgetail Massive Sulphide Deposit

Wedgetail is located along the north-western margin of the olivine acumulate complex, and has a strike length of 1700 m, with widths varying from 10 to 80 m. It contains an estimated 22.9 Mt @ 1.08% Ni (based on a 0.4% Ni cut off, and to a depth of 300 m), including a high grade core of 2.5 Mt @ 3.36% Ni composed of massive sulphide and massive sulphide breccia mineralisation.

The deposit comprises both disseminated and massive sulphides hosted by sequence of olivine orthocumulate and spinifex-textured rocks that strike north-south, young to the west, dipping moderately to steeply east. In the south the mineralised sequence is in fault contact with the central olivine acumulate, while at depth and to the north the sequence is separated from the olivine acumulate by a fault wedge of felsic volcanic rocks up to 80 m thick. To the west the mineralised sequence is faulted against variably deformed felsic to mafic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks which typically has a strong subvertical cleavage. The mineralised sequence pinches out at depth where the faults that defining the eastern and western contacts intersect, with locally, a thin layer of breccia massive sulphide extending down dip along the combined fault plane, although to the south the sequence is open at depth.

Within the mineralised sequence nickel grades generally increase from east to west, with massive sulphide locally developed along or close to the western faulted contact. Sulphide breccia, containing 30 to 90% sulphide and 1 to 20 cm sized, angular clasts of ultramafic and foliated country rock, are also found along this contact. The massive sulphide/sulphide breccia varies from a few cms to several metres and a maximum of 12 m thick. None of the massive sulphides appear to be in their original stratigraphic position, all having been remobilised into faults and shears. The base of oxidation is from 70 to 90 m below surface, overlying a supergene zone fom 117 to 204 m depth, with a transition zone ranging from 178 to 265 m below the surface and deeper extensions down fractures and faults.

Hypogene sulphides comprise pyrrhotite, pentlandite and pyrite, with minor chalcopyrite and trace gersdorffite. The massive sulphide is composed of interlocking polygonal shaped, relative coarse (up to 1.5 mm) grains of pyrrhotite and pentlandite, locally with pyrite. Chalcopyrite occurs as small intergranular, irregular shaped grains. Preferred alignment of grains or compositional layering is rare in the massive sulphide. Within the olivine sulphide orthocumulate, the sulphides are strongly intergrown with metamorphic gangue minerals forming irregular aggregates in which magmatic shapes are absent. Only minor amounts of low-Cu ore is apparent, comprising pentlandite and heazlewoodite, restricted to low grade zones along the eastern contact of the mineralised sequence. Ni:S ratios are significantly lower than those of the other Honeymoon Well deposits due to the Fe-S-rich nature of the sulphide assemblages. The massive sulphides have Ni:S ratios of 0.17 to 0.4, and from 0.2 to 0.9 for olivine sulphide orthocumulate.

Resource estimates a 0.4% Ni cut off, and to a depth of 300 m, (Gole and Woodhouse 2000) were:

   Harrier - 43.0 Mt @ 0.64% Ni;
   Corella - 53.5 Mt @ 0.62% Ni;
   Hannibals - 36.1 Mt @ 0.70% Ni;
   Wedgetail - 22.9 Mt @ 1.08% Ni, including 2.5 Mt @ 3.36% Ni;

Mineral resources at December 2006, quoted by Norilsk Nickel (2007) were:

   Total measured + indicated resource - 173.23 Mt @ 0.67% Ni   (Measured - 124.2 Mt @ 0.65% Ni + Indicated 49.03 Mt @ 0.73% Ni);
   Inferred resource - 15.79 Mt @ 0.75% Ni.

The summary above is based on Gole and Woodhouse 2000.

In June 2020, BHP Limited agreed to acquire the Honeymoon Well Nickel Project comprising the Honeymoon Well development project and a 50% interest in the Albion Downs North and Jericho exploration joint ventures, from MPI Nickel Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel Australian Holdings BV. BHP subsequently purchased the remaining 50% of the latter two.

Jericho and West Jordan

Magnetic and drill hole data, as well as limited outcrop data, indicate strike continuity from the Honeymoon Well complex in the north, to the Cliffs massive sulphide deposit that is ~9 km south of Mount Keith (Beresford et al., 2004; Fiorentini et al., 2007; Rosengren et al., 2005). The sulphide mineralisation at West Jordan is hosted in the core of a large dunitic body, that is interpreted to be the strike equivalent of the Mount Keith Ultramafic Unit. On the basis of the contact relationships between the Mount Keith Ultramafic Unit and dacitic volcanic wall rocks as understood in the Mount Keith deposit area to the south, indicate the former is a shallow level sill (Rosengren et al., 2005). In the Jericho-West Jordan area, the olivine adcumulate and olivine mesocumulate of the Mount Keith Ultramafic Unit intrudes a thick sequence of felsic volcanics, flanked by basalts to the NW, and granitoids to the west. The Mount Keith Ultramafic Unit thickens significantly from <500 m at Jericho area, to ~1500 m at West Jordan. This broad-scale 'pinch and swell' is a common feature of ultramafic sills in the Agnew–Wiluna Belt, and reflects both primary emplacement morphology and structural overprints (Duuring et al., 2004; Rosengren et al., 2007, Grguric et al., 2013).

Prior to 2009, a number of drill holes targeting the Jordan area of the Albion Downs domain had intersected minor disseminated Ni sulphides, although none of these intersections were of economic grade and/or thickness (e.g. see Fiorentini et al., 2007). However, in July 2009, Norilsk Nickel Australia drilled a single diamond drill hole, targeting the core of the serpentinised dunite body at the West Jordan prospect. This hole intersected disseminated sulphides over a thickness of 73 m @ 0.62% Ni, from 263 m down hole. A follow-up hole drilled in 2010, 400 m to the north, intersected 168.5 m @ 0.61% Ni, followed by a consequent concerted drilling program between late 2010 and mid 2011, involved 10 diamond holes on 100 m spaced sections for a total of 7010 m. Disseminated nickel sulphide mineralisation was intersected in all 10 holes. Subsequent drilling delineated a continuous 700 m strike length body of mineralisation, that persists to a vertical depth of at least 600 m with an average grade of 0.58% Ni (Grguric et al., 2013).

The Jericho nickel project is ~15 km SSE of Honeymoon Well deposit in the same stratigraphy.

The West Jordan nickel project is ~4 km NNW of Jericho project. It is a dunite-hosted, low-grade, large tonnage, disseminated sulphide system, and is located in the core of a large dunite body with mineralisation dominated by 20 µm to 6 mm intercumulus sulphide blebs in assemblages that contain pentlandite, pyrrhotite, heazlewoodite and locally, native nickel, sphalerite and chalcocite. Mineralisation varies from 0.2 and 2 wt.% Ni, the bulk of which ranges from 0.35 to 0.7% Ni. The ultramafic host rocks are interpreted to have undergone hypogene alteration through interaction with retrograde metamorphic fluids, to produce extensive serpentinisation and localised, structurally-controlled, talc-magnesite alteration. This gangue alteration has modified the original magmatic sulphide assemblages, and localised remobilisation of the minor Cu and Zn components of the magmatic sulphides. See Grguric et al. (2013) for a detailed description of the ore and gangue mineralogy, the magmatic assemblages and stratigraphy. and geochemistry of the host.

The deposit has been deeply weathered with a thick profile that includes shallow sands; red-brown hardpan; re-brown mottled clay; ferruginous kaolinite; ferruginous saprolite; saprolitised serpentinite; and a lower saprock. Fresh rock in most cases is not reached until ~100 m depth below the surface. However, although there is some lateritic Ni enrichment in the regolith, particularly in the ferruginous saprolite, most such enrichment zones are <10 m thick, and typically contain <0.7% Ni (Grguric et al., 2013).

JORC compliant Mineral Resources at the Honeymoon Well Project at 30 June 2020 (BHP Limited Annual Report 2021) were:
  Open Pit Disseminated sulphide
    Indicated resource - 138 Mt @ 0.62% Ni;   Massive sulphide - 1.0 Mt @ 4.9% Ni;
    Inferred resource - 6.5 Mt @ 0.66% Ni;   Massive sulphide - 0.37 Mt @ 4.7% Ni;
    TOTAL resource - 144 Mt @ 0.62% Ni;   Massive sulphide - 1.6 Mt @ 4.8% Ni;
    Measured resource, Disseminated - 9.1 Mt @ 0.72% Ni;   Massive sulphide - 0.35 Mt @ 6.0% Ni;
    Indicated resource, Disseminated - 18 Mt @ 0.75% Ni;   Massive sulphide - 0.92 Mt @ 6.4% Ni;
    Inferred resource, Disseminated - 3.8 Mt @ 0.74% Ni;   Massive sulphide - 0.17 Mt @ 6.6% Ni;
    TOTAL resource, Disseminated - 31 Mt @ 0.74% Ni;   Massive sulphide - 1.4 Mt @ 6.3% Ni.

JORC Compliant Mineral Resources at the Jericho and West Jordan Projects
  Open Pit Disseminated sulphide
    Jericho, Inferred resource - 31 Mt @ 0.59% Ni;
    West Jordan, Inferred resource - 43 Mt @ 0.52% Ni.

The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 2013.     Record last updated: 12/7/2022
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below.
© Copyright Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd.   Unauthorised copying, reproduction, storage or dissemination prohibited.

    Selected References
Fiorentini, M., Beresford, S., Barley, M., Duuring, P., Bekker, A., Rosengren, N., Cas, R. and Hronsky, J.,  2012 - District to Camp Controls on the Genesis of Komatiite-Hosted Nickel Sulfide Deposits, Agnew-Wiluna Greenstone Belt, Western Australia: Insights from the Multiple Sulfur Isotopes : in    Econ. Geol.   v.107, pp. 781-796.
Gole, M.J., Andrews, D.L., Drew. G.J. and Woodhouse, M.,  1998 - Honeymoon Well nickel deposits: in Berkman D A, Mackenzie D H (Ed.s), 1998 Geology of Australian & Papua New Guinean Mineral Deposits The AusIMM, Melbourne   Mono 22 pp. 297-306.
Grguric, B.A., Seat, Z., Karpuzov, A.A. and Simonov, O.N.,  2013 - The West Jordan deposit, a newly-discovered type 2 dunite-hosted nickel sulphide system in the northern Agnew-Wiluna belt, Western Australia: in    Ore Geology Reviews   v.51, pp. 79-92.
Mamuse A, Porwal A, Kreuzer O and Beresford S,  2010 - Spatial Statistical Analysis of the Distribution of Komatiite-Hosted Nickel Sulfide Deposits in the Kalgoorlie Terrane, Western Australia: Clustered or Not?: in    Econ. Geol.   v105 pp 229-242

Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd (PorterGeo) provides access to this database at no charge.   It is largely based on scientific papers and reports in the public domain, and was current when the sources consulted were published.   While PorterGeo endeavour to ensure the information was accurate at the time of compilation and subsequent updating, PorterGeo, its employees and servants:   i). do not warrant, or make any representation regarding the use, or results of the use of the information contained herein as to its correctness, accuracy, currency, or otherwise; and   ii). expressly disclaim all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or conclusions contained herein.

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