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Filo del Sol, Aurora
San Juan, Argentina
Main commodities: Au Cu Ag

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The Filo del Sol Project is located 140 km southeast of the city of Copiapó, Chile and straddles the border between Chile's Region III and adjacent San Juan Province in Argentina. Those parts of the deposit in Chile are known as the Tamberías Property and those in Argentina are the Filo del Sol-Aurora Property.
(#Location: 28° 29' 52"S, 69° 39' 50"W).

  The first extensive exploration work in the area was conducted by Cyprus-Amax, beginning in 1997, based on recognition of auriferous silica and a Cu-Au porphyry occurrence on the Chilean side of the border (now the Tamberías part of the deposit). Cyprus-Amax’s work during the 1998/1999 season culminated in a drill program of 2519 m in 16 reverse circulation drill holes which discovered high-grade copper oxide and moderate-grade gold values, including 40 m @ 1.19% Cu and 0.33 g/t Au and 20 m at 0.66% Cu and 0.63 g/t Au in two holes. All holes ended in mineralisation. Talus fine sampling detected a strong gold anomaly in the eastern portion of the alteration halo, associated with the large Cerro Vicuña silicified cap, which they did not drill. Upon discovering the latter, and after spending USD 0.8 million, Cyprus-Amax lost interest in the copper potential, and decided to take on a partner to explore the gold possibilities. In 1999, a Canadian Junior, Tenke Mining Corp., acquired the Cyprus-Amax titles which were absorbed into a bigger land package that Tenke was amassing between the Maricunga and El Indio gold belts. This was the Vicuña Project. Drilling in 1999 and 2000 revealed encouraging intervals of quartz-alunite-enargite-pyrite-chalcocite, and in hole 4, intersected 118 m @ 0.51% Cu, 81 g/t Ag, 0.38 g/t Au from a down-hole depth of 162 metres, terminating in 10 m @ 0.92% Cu, 5 g/t Ag, 0.67 g/t Au. Tenke operated the project from 1999 to 2007, when that company was acquired by Lundin Mining Corporation, and its South American assets were split off into a new company, Suramina Resources Inc., who continued exploration. Subsequently as part of an internal reorganisation of Lundin Mining assets, the project passed to NGEx Resources, another Lundin Mining subsidiary. NGEx Resources continued exploration of the Vicuña Project, and in 2014, announced a maiden resource estimate at the Filo del Sol copper-gold-silver project of 300 Mt @ 0.38% Cu, 0.32g/t Au. In 2016, NGEx spun out its wholly owned Filo del Sol property to a new Lundin Mining controlled entity, Filo Mining Corp., who manage the property through two subsidiaries, Filo del Sol Exploración S.A. and Frontera Chile Limitada that control the titles over the deposit in Argentina and Chile respectively. The Project is included within the 'Vicuũa Additional Protocol' under the Mining Integration and Complementation Treaty between Chile and Argentina, which allows for people and equipment to freely cross the border of both countries within a 'defined operational area'.

Regional Setting

  The Filo del Sol deposit is located in what is known as the Vicuña Metallogenic Belt of porphyry and high-sulphidation epithermal deposits and prospects that lies within what had previously been regarded as the 'barren gap' between the El Indio and Maricunga gold belts. It lies within the Frontal Cordillera, near the northern limit of the Chilean-Pampean flat-slab segment of the southern Central Andes (Jordan et al., 1983; Cahill and Isacks, 1992), near the centre of the 'barren gap' (Vila and Sillitoe, 1991; Sillitoe et al., 1991; Bissig et al., 2001). In this interval, the Frontal Cordillera is dominated by large, north- to NE-trending, fault-bounded blocks of predominantly Permian to Triassic plutonic and volcanic rocks. These blocks are cored by basement, and locally overlain by structurally controlled, partially preserved Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary cover sequences (Martínez et al., 2015; Perelló et al., 2023). The Permo-Triassic volcano-sedimentary packages are part of the Choiyoi Magmatic Province (Kay et al., 1989). The major reverse faults that bound the basement blocks and are responsible for the wholesale regional uplift of the Frontal Cordillera, were active between ~21 and 13 Ma in the Early to Middle Miocene (Perelló et al., 2023). This overlaps the period of magmatism and related hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation in the Vicuña Belt that occurred discontinuously between 25 and 14 Ma in the late Oligocene to the middle Miocene (Perelló et al., 2023; Yoshie et al., 2015; Devine et al., 2019; Sillitoe et al., 2019). The magmatism, alteration, mineralisation, tectonic uplift and denudation in the Filo del Sol area were active during the middle Miocene, from 16 to 14 Ma (Devine et al., 2019).

For more detail of the regional setting see the Central Andes and Bolivian Orocline record and associated maps.


  The Filo del Sol mineralisation is distributed over a north- to NE-trending interval of ~8 km, occurring as a large porphyry Cu-Au and high-sulphidation epithermal Cu-Au-Ag system that was formed during rapid uplift and erosion in the Middle Miocene. A NNE trending string of porphyry intrusions that is at least 3 km long in the deposit area includes i). an older, more deeply eroded porphyry Cu-Au mineralised domain in the Tamberías area to the south, in Chile, with ii). slightly younger, partially blind to locally exposed porphyry Cu-Au mineralised intrusions in the Filo del Sol-Aurora Zone to the north in Argentina. The composite mineralised system is embraced by the remnants of a once much more extensive advanced argillic alteration lithocap, the bulk of which corresponds to the present-day surface expression of the Filo del Sol porphyry and high-sulphidation system. The lithocap predominantly occurs within Cretaceous siliciclastics, Permian felsic volcanics, Triassic monzogranite, and Middle Miocene porphyry dykes and related hydrothermal breccias, along with common steam-heated alteration zones.
  Three broad lithologic assemblages are found at Filo del Sol:
Pre-mineral country rocks, including Permo-Triassic felsic volcanic rocks and Triassic monzogranitic and tonalitic intrusives basement units that belong to the Choiyoi Magmatic Province. These are unconformably overlain by Late Cretaceous, mainly andesitic volcanics and clastic sedimentary rocks, and are intruded by a series of Cretaceous to Tertiary microdioritic mafic dykes and sills and Eocene porphyry intrusion. Together, these dykes and sills define a north- to NE-trending swarm over the length of the deposit and beyond. These pre-mineral mafic dykes generally trend NNE, guided by pre-existing faults cutting the host rhyolite and overlying clastic rocks. At higher levels in the host rock sequence, mafic sills were guided instead by layering within the clastic rocks;
Several discrete, inter- and syn-mineral porphyry phases forming an extensive dyke swarm that is developed over a vertical interval of >1 km and strike length of >3 km, coincident with the more broadly defined north- to NE-trending Filo del Sol mineralised alignment. These dykes were emplaced along the same structural trend as the pre-mineral intrusions. In contrast, the mineralised 16 Ma dacitic Tamberías stock and the associated hypogene Cu-Au mineralisation in the southern section of the overall deposit are discordant to this trend, with a clear NW alignment. The inter-mineral porphyry dykes have an overall dioritic to quartz-dioritic composition, and are generally medium- to coarse-grained, with crystals of up to up to 6 mm, porphyritic textures and phenocrysts of plagioclase, biotite and amphibole, in addition to minor quartz. All have been subject to potassic alteration. In the Tamberías section of the deposit in Chile, these inter-mineral dacitic plagioclase-hornblende-biotite porphyry intrusions intrude the rhyolite basement and have associated potassic biotite-magnetite alteration. They are, in turn, intruded by younger syn-mineral feldspar-phyric porphyry phases that are only partially exposed, and are largely blind, and are associated with Cu sulphide mineralisation and elevated Au values;
Hydrothermal breccias, two types of which are differentiated:
  - Early magmatic-hydrothermal breccias, which together define a large body that follows the porphyry dyke swarm over the length of the deposit. It is predominantly clast-supported, polymictic, and contains clasts of all of the country rocks and early porphyry intrusions. The clasts are subrounded to angular, and dominantly pebble-sized, although, large blocks of up to several tens of metres in diameter are also represented. It typically includes fragments of previously formed A-type veining, but is also cut by newer generations of similar A-veinlets. The breccia was formed under potassic-stable conditions, and is the main host to both early porphyry-related Cu-Au and transgressive high-sulphidation Cu-Au-Ag mineralisation. Pegmatoidal facies are commonly found intruding the breccia at depth, characterised by aggregates of K feldspar, biotite and anhydrite.
  - Late predominantly phreatic breccias are present as dykes at surface in both the Tamberías and Filo del Sol-Aurora parts of the deposit, in Chile and Argentina respectively, where they follow the main NW and north to northeast trends of the of the various porphyry intrusions, respectively. Several varieties of these breccias occur, although the most common are a poorly sorted, matrix supported breccia with sub-angular clasts that are characteristically composed of abundant refractory A-type quartz veinlets, set in a clastic matrix that is fine-grained, to locally rock flour. This matrix is mostly massive and disaggregated, with abundant lithic particles, crystaloclasts of quartz, biotite and feldspars, and is impregnated with alunite, clay minerals, pyrite, and Cu- As sulphosalts. Never the less, all of the phreatic breccias are coeval with advanced argillic alteration and nowhere are they cut by new generations of quartz veinlets.


  The surrounding regional structure is characterised by north- to NE-trending, steep to moderately east and west dipping reverse faults controlling the distribution of blocks of basement rocks. These blocks include both granite and felsic volcanic sequences, in an overall thick-skinned contractional tectonic style (e.g., Martínez et al., 2015). Two major north to NE trending faults, El Potro in Chile and Mogotes in Argentina, are interpreted to be the bounding structures controlling a large, pop-up, basement-cored block, further dissected by internal, subsidiary reverse faults. These basement highs are inferred to be expressions of large and deep seated, easterly-vergent, thick-skinned ramps that accommodated regional shortening (Martínez et al., 2015). Numerous NW-trending lineaments have been interpreted from satellite images, although only a few are inferred or mapped as faults in the field. Some are regarded as having formed as conjugate structures to the dominant east-vergent reverse fault motion. Locally, two principal sets of faults are recognised, specifically, pre- and post-mineral structures, with many of the former inferred to have been fluid conduits for the magmatic-hydrothermal system. The dominant north- to NE-trend of the system is consistent with the regional structural grain, and affords a first-order control in the Filo del Sol alignment. These and other east- and west-dipping reverse faults mapped in the region were inverted from original normal faults that controlled marine and continental basin construction and corresponding sedimentation during successive Mesozoic and Cenozoic extension events (Martínez et al., 2015; Sillitoe et al., 2019). A series of recently active, steep, north- to NE-striking, post-mineral faults cut across the Filo del Sol system, as evidenced by topographic breaks and drainage offsets at surface, as well as metre scale zones of intensely brecciated rock and gouge seen in drill core. Offsets are of the order of a few metres. Most are interpreted to be normal structures with both east- and west-side down displacements (this paragraph after Elfen et al., 2023).
Filo del Sol alteration, mineralisation and structure

Alteration and Mineralisation

  During its formation, the deposit underwent extreme telescoping, with a high rate of uplift and syn-mineral erosional unroofing of the system. This is particularly the case to the south in Chile, where the deposit is predominantly hosted by the unroofed Tamberías porphyry stock and its immediate country rocks. In this section of the deposit, epithermal mineralisation formed at the expense of magnetite- and chalcopyrite-rich potassic porphyry-style assemblages that were overprinted by hydrolytic alteration associations, with one or more of quartz, white mica, clays and alunite. In the northern part of the deposit, in Argentina, a series of north- to northeast-trending, high sulphidation epithermal lodes were emplaced during transgressive advanced argillic alteration within the pre-mineral country rocks above the main intrusion which was only locally exposed. Overall, this resulted in potassic-altered and Cu-Au mineralised porphyry intrusions overprinted by high-sulphidation Cu-Au-Ag epithermal mineralisation, within a large area of advanced argillic alteration, all of which was subsequently capped by a leached zone with underlying oxidised and supergene-sulphide enriched mineralisation. The result is a coherent volume of Cu ±Au ±Ag mineralisation that encompasses all of these overprinting mineralisation types to produce a variety of mineral assemblages and grade variations across and over the length of the deposit.
  The two principal alteration regimes recognised, i.e., porphyry and epithermal, are:
Early Potassic Alteration and Associated Cu-Au Mineralisation at depth. Two potassic alteration assemblages are differentiated in both the Tamber&iqcute;as and Filo del Sol-Aurora zones in Chile and Argentina respectively, namely:
  - an early, biotite dominated phase, predominantly developed in hornfelsed andesitic country rocks and mafic intrusions;
  - a late quartz-K feldspar phase with anhydrite and biotite, which is most strongly developed in magmatic-hydrothermal breccia at depth in the Filo del Sol-Aurora Zone in Argentina.
  Hydrothermal magnetite and/or mushketovite are important members of both potassic assemblages, whilst A-type quartz veinlet stockworks are a common associate of both potassic altered rocks and are cut by planar, molybdenite-bearing, B-type quartz veinlets. The sulphides associated with potassic alteration are principally chalcopyrite and pyrite, with localised bornite, although chalcopyrite dominates in both potassic centres at Tamberías and Filo del Sol-Aurora.
  At surface, propylitic chlorite-biotite and chlorite-epidote alteration fringes flank the potassic alteration on both sides, but has not been intersected at depth by drilling in the main body of the deposit.
Late Advanced Argillic Alteration and Associated High-sulphidation Cu-Au-Ag Mineralisation at higher levels overprinting the potassic phase. The boundary between the two types of alteration and their related mineralisation is relatively abrupt and is clearly differentiated by geochemistry, notably via As and sequential leach Cu analyses. Advanced argillic alteration is dominant in the Filo del Sol-Aurora section of the deposit in Argentina, and its associated high-sulphidation sulphide lodes and disseminations which contain the bulk of the Cu-Au-Ag mineralisation known to date (2023). This late advanced argillic alteration is composed of three principal, concentrically-zoned associations, including:
  - a core of vuggy residual quartz, comprising a large single, or more typically, composite swarm of steeply-dipping to vertical residual vuggy quartz and silicified ledges;
  - intermediate zone of flanking quartz-alunite, and
  - a peripheral quartz-white mica-clay zone which contains quartz, fine-grained white mica, chiefly sericite, and clay, mainly illite and kaolinite, as principal components. Quartz and white mica predominate at depth, defining the roots of the lithocap-related alteration.
  The advanced argillic and quartz-white mica associations are totally transgressive relative to the features that resulted from the early potassic alteration-mineralisation event, which were partially destroyed to obliterated. Exceptions are the microdioritic dykes which, as at Tamberías, even within the advanced argillic zone, wholly or partially preserve the original biotite-dominated potassic assemblage.
  In the Filo del Sol-Aurora zone in Argentina, the advanced argillic alteration, as described above, defines a deeply rooted and steeply dipping, funnel-shaped body to a depth of ~1000 m. The associated minerals assemblage comprises multiple high-sulphidation sulphides, including one or more of pyrite, melnikovite, marcasite, Cu-sulphides such as bornite, covellite, chalcocite, digenite, and the Cu-As-Sb sulphosalts enargite, luzonite, famatinite and/or tennantite, plus numerous Cu-bearing Ag-As sulphides and sulphosalts. Native Au, calaverite, electrum, and auricupride Au are also present. The sulphides occur in a variety of forms, including metre wide massive sulphide lodes, hydrothermal breccia cements, veins, veinlets and disseminations. In all cases pyrite is the earliest-formed sulphide and is progressively replaced by the Cu-As sulphosalts and/or Cu-bearing sulphides.
  In contrast, at Tamberías in Chile, these advanced argillic zones are far more restricted and irregular.
  A later style of pyrite mineralisation with high silver grades is related to late, dyke-like higher-level phreatic breccias developed along a large part of the north- to NE trending mineralised corridor. This silver zone occurs as a shallowly 20°N to 10 to 15°W dipping sheet, that is 10 to 130 m thick and extends over an area of >1200 north-south by 400 to 600 m east-west, and is overprinted by the oxide zone. However, to the north of the defined resource (as of February 2023) the anomalous Ag zone continues for a further 1800 m along the same trend as defined by the 60 g/t Ag contour, averaging ~200 g/t to a maximum of 6980 g/t Ag over a 2 m sample interval. This zone also includes Au which increases from south to north. To the south, it occurs as an unconsolidated greyish to black sandy mud, commonly with associated soluble Cu mineralisation as Cu-sulphates. Ag mineralisation in this zone is mostly comprises of chlorargyrite [AgCl] and Ag and Cu sulphosalts of proustite - pyrargyrite [Ag3SbS3] (Di Prisco, 2014). It has a distinct geochemical pattern characterised by anomalous levels of Cu, Ag, Mo, Sb, (±Au), As, Hg, W, (±Bi, Sn) and low values of Al, Ca, Sr, V (±Th). No high-grade Ag domain has been encountered in the Tamberías section of the deposit, where the leached zone is underlain by the oxide zone with Cu-sulphates that passes downward into hypogene mineralisation.
  The advanced argillic alteration assemblages are part of the large lithocap developed over the deposit, and is best expressed in the northern Filo del Sol-Aurora zone of the deposit in Argentina.
  The uppermost part of the lithocap underwent intense steam-heated alteration, with the corresponding alteration of original components to friable, poorly indurated and highly disaggregated, pulverulent quartz and quartz-alunite associations. This steam heated alteration is prominently developed for ~1 km along the continental divide and coincident border between Argentina and Chile. It occurs as a blanket developed above the palaeo-groundwater table, typically occupying the shallowest parts of the system exposed at ~ 5300 to 5400 m asl, and is up to ~150 to 200 m thick beneath the crest of the ridge. The system has roots that penetrate to as much as ~400 m deeper, possibly the result of a descending water table guided by vertical structures and zones of brecciation of lithologic units, such as phreatic breccia, and previous vuggy residual quartz. The steam-heated zone comprises a white, powdery rock made up of of cristobalite, chalcedony, kaolinite and alunite, with additional local native sulphur and cinnabar. The bulk of the steam-heated zone is barren of metals, except for localised pockets of earlier formed, high-sulphidation Cu, Au and Ag. It was likely associated with a subhorizontal landscape, of which the Filo surface is a remnant.
  The mineralised system, as described above, is capped by a leached zone with underlying oxidised and locally supergene-enriched sulphide mineralisation. This near surface leached and supergene oxide-sulphide zone forms the bulk of the defined resource at Filo del Sol, as defined in 2023, but comprises a relatively small part of the overall mineral deposit/system. It has a maximum thickness of ~300 m below the ridge crest in the northern Filo del Sol-Aurora zone in Argentina, but it is more irregularly developed at Tamberías in Chile. In general, it comprises an:
Upper leached capping, mainly developed within the advanced argillic vuggy residual quartz and steam-heated alteration, with Cu having been completely removed, although some Au remains and Fe-bearing sulphates are common. This leaching of the uppermost parts of the system has produced an Au-only oxide zone, with intersections, for example in drill holes VRC097 and VRC099, of 84 m @ 1.36 g/t Au and 78 m @ 1.02 g/t Au respectively;
Intermediate oxidised interval, with mixed oxide-sulphide mineralisation, characterised by Fe, Fe-Cu, Cu, Mo and Co oxides and hydroxides. This interval ranges from 40 to 300 m in thickness, but is deeper to the north. It hosts the bulk of the soluble Cu mineralisation contained within the Filo del Sol resource (as of February 2023), and is characterised by the presence of Fe, Fe-Cu and Cu oxides and hydroxides. It hosts important soluble Cu mineralisation comprising hydrated sulphate minerals chalcanthite, copiapite and cuprocopiapite [CuFe (SO
4)6(OH)2•20H2O] which are dominant, and locally developed brochantite. This mineral association produces a bright blue blanket that extends to depth as the Cu-Au-oxide zone, and is the result of the combination of the highly acidic environment generated by oxidation of abundant marcasite and pyrite and the arid climatic conditions. The shallowly north to west dipping, 10 to 130 m thick, tabular high-grade silver zone has been overprinted by the flatter oxide zone, such that it passes obliquely through the latter from the hypogene zone in the north, to the leached blanket in the south (See the longitudinal section below). Enargite appears near the lower part of the oxide zone, which is underlain by localised supergene sulphides.
Localised supergene sulphide enrichment characterised by sooty chalcocite.
Hypogene copper-gold mineralisation below the supergene zones, characterised by the presence of sulphides and the absence of oxide minerals, incorporating both porphyry Cu-Au and high-sulphidation Cu-Au-Ag epithermal mineralisation. It contains significant volumes of 0.5 to 1% Cu and 0.5 to 1 g/t Au surrounded by>0.3% Cu, >0.25 g/t Au and >10 g/t Ag and suggests the leached and oxide zones were developed in the distal periphery of the porphyry-epithermal system.

  Deeper exploratory drill holes below the current resource in the Aurora Zone, have returned intersections over a 1500 m lateral interval from south to north as follows (Perelló et al., 2023):
  FSDH25 - 1025 m @ 0.47% Cu
Equiv., 0.3% Cu, 0.22 g/t Au, 1.6 g/t Ag;
  FSDH32 - 1025 763 @ 1.1% Cu
Equiv., 0.68% Cu, 0.43 g/t Au, 13.2 g/t Ag;
  FSDH41 - 858 m @ 1.8% Cu
Equiv., 0.86% Cu, 0.7 g/t Au, 48.1
  FSDH57 - 651 m @ 1.1% Cu
Equiv., 0.63% Cu, 0.37 g/t Au, 25.6 g/t Ag.

  The deposit, as known in early 2023, is at least 3 km long north-south, 400 m wide, and extends to at least 1.5 km below surface. It is open laterally in all directions, although it appears to be weakening at a depth of 1.5 km. The NNE-SSW trending encompassing lithocap, as defined by quartz-white mica ±clay, and slightly less extensive quartz-alunite assemblages, has a strike length of at least 15 km and width of 2 to 4 km, with fault controlled offshoot NW-SE branches (See alteration plan above). Remnants of residual quartz and silicification are distributed over much of this area. Laterally and longitudinally, propylitic chlorite-biotite and patches of chlorite-epidote are more extensive, although it is uncertain how much of this alteration is related to the deposit, versus regional alteration and metamorphism unrelated to mineralisation.
Filo del Sol longitudinal section

Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

  Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as of 28 February, 2023 were (Elfen, et al., NI 43-101 Technical Report, 2023):
Mineral Resources
Oxide Gold at 0.20 g/t Au cutoff   Leached Zone
    Indicated resource - 54.4 Mt @ 0.06% Cu, 0.40 g/t Au, 3.0 g/t Ag,
    Inferred resource - 24.0 Mt @ 0.10% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au, 2.1 g/t Ag,
Oxide Copper-Gold at 0.15% Cu
Equiv. cutoff   Oxide Zone
    Indicated resource - 265.0 Mt @ 0.37% Cu, 0.30 g/t Au, 3.5 g/t Ag,
    Inferred resource - 97.3 Mt @ 0.27% Cu, 0.28 g/t Au, 2.8 g/t Ag,
Silver mineralisation at 20 g/t Ag cutoff   Silver Zone
    Indicated resource - 42.8 Mt @ 0.46% Cu, 0.42 g/t Au, 87.1 g/t Ag,
    Inferred resource - 11.4 Mt @ 0.34% Cu, 0.42 g/t Au, 87.5 g/t Ag,
Hypogene mineralisation at 0.30% Cu
Equiv. cutoff
    Indicated resource - 70.4 Mt @ 0.31% Cu, 0.35 g/t Au, 2.5 g/t Ag,
    Inferred resource - 78.9 Mt @ 0.31% Cu, 0.33 g/t Au, 3.1 g/t Ag,
    Indicated resource - 432.6 Mt @ 0.33% Cu, 0.33 g/t Au, 11.5 g/t Ag,
    Inferred resource - 211.6 Mt @ 0.27% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au, 7.4 g/t Ag.
Ore Reserves
  Probable Reserve - 259.6 Mt @ 0.39% Cu, 0.34 g/t Au, 16.0 g/t Ag.

The bulk of the information in this summary has been drawn from Elfen, S.C., Murray, K., Borntraeger, B., Devine, F.A.M., Winkelmann, N.M., Gray, J.N., Brown, R.P. and Zurowski, G.R., February 28, 2023 - Filo del Sol Project, an NI 43-101 Technical Report prepared by Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc., for Filo Mining Corp., 306 p.

The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 2023.    
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below.
© Copyright Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd.   Unauthorised copying, reproduction, storage or dissemination prohibited.

Filo del Sol

    Selected References
Perello, J., Sillitoe, R.H., Rossello, J., Forestier, J., Merino, G. and Charchaflie, D.,  2023 - Geology of Porphyry Cu-Au and Epithermal Cu-Au-Ag Mineralization at Filo del Sol, Argentina-Chile: Extreme Telescoping During Andean Uplift: in    Econ. Geol.   v.118, pp.1261-1290. doi:10.5382/econgeo.5029.

Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd (PorterGeo) provides access to this database at no charge.   It is largely based on scientific papers and reports in the public domain, and was current when the sources consulted were published.   While PorterGeo endeavour to ensure the information was accurate at the time of compilation and subsequent updating, PorterGeo, its employees and servants:   i). do not warrant, or make any representation regarding the use, or results of the use of the information contained herein as to its correctness, accuracy, currency, or otherwise; and   ii). expressly disclaim all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or conclusions contained herein.

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