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Kathleen Valley - Kathleens Corner, Mount Mann,
Western Australia, WA, Australia
Main commodities: Li Ta

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The Kathleen Valley Lithium-Tantalum Project is located on the western margin of the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt segment of the Kalgoorlie Terrane within the Yilgarn Craton, ~380 km NNW of Kalgoorlie and and 45 km NNW of Leinster in Western Australia (#Location: 27° 28' 51"S, 120° 32' 47"E).

The Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt is dominantly composed of mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks, as well as voluminous clastic sedimentary suite, minor felsic volcanics, and differentiated gabbros. For more detail see the regional geological descriptions of the Mount Keith (30 km to the north), Yakabindie (~3 km to the NNE) and Leinster (45 km to the south) Nickel deposits.

In the Kathleen Valley area, the greenstones have been metamorphosed to upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies, and include tholeiitic lavas, differentiated gabbroic sills and ultramafic chlorite schists (Bamborough 2017). The sequence has been divided into three zones, as follows:
Western Zone which is composed of a NE-striking and SE-facing succession of tholeiitic basalt, dolerites, gabbros and ultramafics.
Eastern Zone, comprising mafic and ultramafic komatiitic, felsic volcanic and associated sedimentary rocks that dip to the east. The komatiites are commonly intruded by felsic porphyries.
Central Zone, which separates the Western and Eastern zones, and is predominantly represented by the Jones Creek conglomerate, which was deposited in a large north-south graben. This unit, which includes associated felsic volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks, unconformably overlies the dolerite and gabbroic units of the Western Zone. The conglomerate contains well-rounded granitoid pebbles and boulders, up to 1 m across, set in an arkosic matrix. To the east and south, mafic and calcareous/silicate fragments become more abundant, and the matrix is increasingly volcanoclastic. Where exposed, the upper and lower contacts show evidence of high strain, indicating a tectonic origin (Bamborough 2017).

The project is located in a structurally complex domain, characterised by intense shearing and deformation that corresponds to the intersection of the NW trending regional Keith Kilkenny tectonic zone and the northerly trending Miranda shear. The latter is locally known as the Kathleen Valley shear.

Around twenty spodumene-bearing, lithium-caesium-tantalum (LCT) type pegmatite dykes have been outlined within the Kathleen Valley Project area, mainly within the Western and Central zones. These pegmatites are part of a series of quartz-feldspar-muscovite-spodumene pegmatites hosted within mafic rocks related to the Kathleen Valley Gabbro or Mt Goode Basalts. They occur within two, outcropping, NW-SE trending pegmatite swarms, namely:
i). Kathleen's Corner, a shallow-dipping, swarm that outcrop in the north east of the project area accounts for ~90% of the known resource (Liontown Resources, 2021). These comprise at least eleven sub-horizontal pegmatites, dipping at between 0 and 10%°W, which have been drilled over an area of 1 x 1.1 km. They are individually up to 40 m thick, averaging ~5 m and extend down dip for 850 m to 950 m, where they merge with Mt Mann pegmatites at ~250 to 300 m below surface to form a single, thicker 35 to 75 m mineralised body.
ii). Mount Mann, a more steeply dipping south-western swarm, where two main, ~70°W dipping pegmatites have been drilled over a strike length of ~1 km and to a vertical depth of 390 m. Each of the two pegmatites is up to 35 m thick, averaging 13.5 and 11 m respectively.

In addition, there are four moderately 15 to 45°W dipping pegmatites up to 9 m thick, with an average thickness of 3 m within the project area.

Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources

JORC compliant Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources (Liontown Resources ASX Announcement of Definitive Feasibility Study, 11 November, 2021):
Ore Reserve
 Open Pit
    Proved - 2.7 Mt @ 1.30% Li2O, 140 ppm Ta2O5;
    Probable - 0.5 Mt @ 0.93% Li
2O, 148 ppm Ta2O5;
    Probable - 65.4 Mt @ 1.34% Li
2O, 119 ppm Ta2O5;
  TOTAL Reserve - 68.5 Mt @ 1.34% Li
2O, 120 ppm Ta2O5;
Mineral Resource at a cut-off of 0.55% Li
    Measured - 20 Mt @ 1.3% Li
2O, 145 ppm Ta2O5;
    Indicated - 109 Mt @ 1.4% Li
2O, 130 ppm Ta2O5;
    Inferred - 27 Mt @ 1.3% Li
2O, 113 ppm Ta2O5.

In addition, the resource remains open at depth and along strike with potential for further tonnage to be outlined.

This information in this summary is largely drawn from
Martinick Bosch Sell Pty Ltd, 2021 - Kathleen Valley Lithium-Tantalum Project, Kathleen Valley Tailings Geochemical Characterisation Final report, prepared for Liontown Resources Limited, 50p. and
Liontown Resources Limited, 2021 - Kathleen Valley DFS confirms Tier 1 global Lithium project with outstanding economics and sector leading sustainability credentials; ASX Announcement, 11 November, 2021; 69p.

The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 2021.    
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below.
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Kathleen Valley

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