Jinding, Lanping - Jiayashan, Fengzishan, Xipo, Baicaoping, Nanchang, Beichang, Paomaping |
Yunnan, China |
Main commodities:
Zn Pb Ag
Super Porphyry Cu and Au

IOCG Deposits - 70 papers
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The Jinding sandstone hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposit of the Lanping mine lies within the Tethyan-Himalayan tectonic domain on the Yangtze Platform of Yunnan Province, in southwest China, is located ~390 km northwest of Kunming (#Location: 26° 24' 15"N, 99° 25' 40"E).
The deposit comprises >100 orebodies in seven ore blocks, hosted by sandstone and limestone breccia, including Jiayashan in the east, Fengzishan and
Xipo in the west, Baicaoping and Nanchang in the south, Beichang in the north, and Paomaping to the northeast. The deposit is hosted in the Cretaceous and Tertiary terrestrial rocks of the Lanping Basin of SW China. It mainly occurs in the Jinding dome structure, occurring as tabular orebodies within limestone breccia and sandstones of the autochthonous Palaeocene Yunlong Formation and in the overlying and overturned sandstones of the allochthonous Early Cretaceous Jingxing Formation.
The most economically important of the seven mineralised blocks, the Beichang Block, accounts for ~75% of the ore reserves of the Jinding deposit. Within this block, the sandstone-hosted No. 1 orebody is stratabound, tabular, and hosted within a sandstone layer of the Jingxing Formation. This orebody accounts for
~40% of the ore reserves at the deposit, with average grades of 4.5% Zn and 1.1% Pb. Its average thickness is 29 m with a known length of 1450 m, dipping 25 to 50°N or NNE. The brecciated limestone-hosted mineralisation of the block forms lenses, veins and irregular bodies, within a suite of brecciated limestone, sandstone and gypsum-rich beds in the upper part of the Yunlong Formation. The brecciated limestone-hosted No. 4 orebody is ~900 m long by ~40 m
thick, with average grades of 8.4% Zn and 1.9% Pb, and dips at 18 to 44°NNE (Third Geological Team, 1984).
The crosscutting form of the orebodies, presence of hangingwall alteration, and replacement and open-space filling textures all indicate an epigenetic origin.
The formation of the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit is interpreted to have been related to a period of major continental crust movement during the collision of the Indian and Eurasian Plates. Westward verging thrusts and dome structure were successively developed in the Palaeocene sedimentary rocks in the ore district, with Zn-Pb mineralisation appearing to havebeen introduced during the early stage of the doming processes.
Ore occurs in two forms, namely:
i). Upper orebodies - sandstone hosted concordant mineralisation within the Palaeocene argillaceous, grey sandstone with common dark grey limestone fragments, and
ii). Lower orebodies - discordant orebodies within a sequence of thrust-fault growth related olistoliths, sandstones and breccia-sandstones which are characterised by included blocks if limestone from <1, to hundreds of metres across. These two ore bearing units overlie a gypsum and celestite bearing purple siltstone, sandstone and arkose unit with intercalated fossiliferous dark and sandy limestone. The ore zone is overturned and lies within a thrust package, overlain by allochthonous, overturned, Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic mudstones, siltstones, fine feldspathic sandstones and limestones. As well as the Palaeocene sandstones, according to some sources, ore also occurs within Cretaceous sandstone at the base of the allochthon, but below the Jurassic sediments, and immediately above the thrust which bounds the autochthonous hosts to the main mass of the ore.
Mineralisation in both host rock packages is characterised by a paragenetic sequence as follows (Deng et al., 2007):
• Stage 1 - marcasite-sphalerite, followed by,
• Stage 2 - pyrite-marcasite-sphalerite-galena, and then,
• Stage 3 - galena-sphalerite-pyrite-sulphate-carbonate.
Two ore types occur in both of these ore zones, namely:
i). disseminated mineralisation where the sulphides have replaced the calcite cement of the sandstones, representing the most important ore, predominantly in the upper ore zone, and
ii). breccia mineralisation which is found in the pores and matrix of limestone or argillaceous limestone breccias, with local replacement of both matrix and fragments producing massive sulphide. The second type is found mainly in the lower orebodies.
Resources have been stated at 130 Mt @ 8% Zn, 1.4% Pb, 10 g/t Ag,
including a drilled high grade core of 13 Mt @ 14% Zn, 1.5% Pb.
Deng et al. (2007), after the Third Geological Team (1984), quotes 'ore resources' at Jinding as:
220 Mt @ 6.1% Zn, 1.3% Pb, 10.5 g/t Ag, 15.5% Sr, and 0.01% Cd;
The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 2017.
Record last updated: 28/4/2023
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below. © Copyright Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, storage or dissemination prohibited.
Chi G, Xue C, Lai J and Qing H, 2007 - Sand Injection and Liquefaction Structures in the Jinding Zn-Pb Deposit, Yunnan, China: Indicators of an Overpressured Fluid System and Implications for Mineralization: in Econ. Geol. v102 pp 739-743
Chunji Xue, Rong Zeng, Shuwen Liu, Guoxiang Chi, Hairuo Qing, Yuchuan Chen, Jianmin Yang and Denghong Wang 2007 - Geologic, fluid inclusion and isotopic characteristics of the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit, western Yunnan, South China: A review : in Ore Geology Reviews v31 pp 337-359
Deng, J., Wang, C., Bagas, L., Selvaraja, V., Jeon, H., Wu, B. and Yang, L., 2017 - Insights into ore genesis of the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit, Yunnan Province, China: Evidence from Zn and in-situ S isotopes: in Ore Geology Reviews v.90, pp. 943-957.
Guoxiang Chia, Hairuo Qinga, Chunji Xueb and Rong Zeng 2006 - Modeling of fluid pressure evolution related to sediment loading and thrust faulting in the Lanping basin: Implications for the formation of the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit, Yunnan, China: in J. of Geochemical Exploration v89 pp 57-60
Hou, Z. and Cook, N., 2009 - Metallogenesis of the Tibetan collisional orogen: A review and introduction to the special issue: in Ore Geology Reviews v.36, pp. 2-24.
Hou, Z.,Khin Zaw, Pan, G., Mo, X., Xu, Q., Hu, Y. and Li, X., 2007 - Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenesis in S.W. China: Tectonic setting, metallogenic epochs and deposit types: in Ore Geology Reviews v.31, pp. 48-87. doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2004.12.007.
Huang, S., Song, Y., Zhou, L., Leach, D.L., Chang, Z. and Hou, Z., 2022 - Influence of organic matter on Re-Os dating of sulfides: insights from the giant Jinding sediment-hosted zn-pb deposit, China: in Econ. Geol. v.117, pp. 737-745.
Lan, Q., Hu, R., Bi, X., Liu, H., Xiao, J., Fu, S., Santosh, M. and Tang, Y., 2021 - The Source of Organic Matter and Its Role in Producing Reduced Sulfur for the Giant Sediment-Hosted Jinding Zinc-Lead Deposit, Lanping Basin, Yunnan, Southwest China: in Econ. Geol. v.116, pp. 1537-1560.
Leach, D.L., Song, Y.-C. and Hou, Z.-Q., 2017 - The world-class Jinding Zn-Pb deposit: ore formation in an evaporite dome, Lanping Basin, Yunnan, China: in Mineralium Deposita v.52, pp. 281-296.
Liu J, Wang A, Xia H, Zhai Y, Gao L, Xiu Q, Zhang Z, Zhao Z and Cao D, 2010 - Cracking mechanisms during galena mineralization in a sandstone-hosted lead-zinc ore deposit: case study of the Jinding giant sulfide deposit, Yunnan, SW China: in Mineralium Deposita v.45 pp. 567-582
Mu, L., Hu, R., Bi, X., Tang, Y.,Lan, T., Lan, Q., Zhu, J., Peng. and Oyebamiji, A., 2021 - New Insights into the Origin of the World-Class Jinding Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposit, Southwestern China: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Individual Fluid Inclusions: in Econ. Geol. v.116, pp. 883-907.
Song, Y., Hou, Z., Xue, C. and Huang, S., 2020 - New Mapping of the World-Class Jinding Zn-Pb Deposit, Lanping Basin, Southwest China: Genesis of Ore Host Rocks and Records of Hydrocarbon-Rock Interaction: in Econ. Geol. v.115, pp. 981-1002.
Tang, Y.-Y., Bi, X.-W., Fayek, M., Hu, R.-Z., Wu, L.-Y., Zou, Z.-C., Feng, C.-X. and Wang, X.-S., 2014 - Microscale sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfide minerals from the Jinding Zn-Pb deposit, Yunnan Province, Southwest China: in Gondwana Research v.26, pp. 594-607.
Xue, C., Chi, G. and Fayek, M., 2015 - Micro-textures and in situ sulfur isotopic analysis of spheroidal and zonal sulfides in the giant Jinding Zn-Pb deposit, Yunnan, China: Implications for biogenic processes: in J. of Asian Earth Sciences v.103, pp. 288-304.
Yalikun, Y., Xue, C.-J., Dai, Z.-J., Chi, G.-X., Fayek, M. and Symons, D., 2018 - Microbial structures and possible bacterial sulfide fossils in the giant Jinding Zn-Pb deposit, Yunnan, SW-China: Insights into the genesis of Zn-Pb sulfide mineralization: in Ore Geology Reviews v.92, pp. 61-72.
Zhang, J.-R., Wen, H.-J., Qiu, Z.-J., Zou, Z.-C., Du, S.-J. and Wu, S.-Y., 2015 - Spatial-temporal evolution of ore-forming fluids and related mineralization in the western Lanping basin, Yunnan Province, China: in Ore Geology Reviews v.67, pp. 90-108. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.11.017.
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