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Tux, Lanersbach
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The Tux-Lanersbach stratabound magnesite-scheelite deposit is located ~30 km SE of Innsbruck and 55 km west of Mittersill in the eastern Alps of Austria.

The deposit lies within a low grade metamorphic, lower Palaeozoic sequence in the Austroalpine Innsbruck quartz-phyllite zone. For detail of the regional setting see the separate Mittersill / Felbertal record.

The dominant rock types in the ore deposit are grey, quartz poor chlorite ± sericite phyllites with a variable carbonate content, which interfinger with and grade into quartz-phyllite to the east and towards the hangingwall.   Scheelite is contained within meta-carbonates (ferroan dolomite and spar magnesite) and to a lesser extent black schists and talc-chlorite schists.

Economic magnesite and scheelite is restricted to the lower of two stratigraphic carbonate horizons that is 25 to 40 m thick and can be traced over a strike length of 1 km.   This lower horizon grades upwards from meta-clastic phyllites and schists with minor mafic meta-volcanics into a black schist-scheelite horizon (graphite rich, ± dolomite- and magnesite bearing talc-chlorite phyllite), sharply overlain by a late Silurian to lower Devonian 25 to 40 m thick layer of massive dolomite and magnesite.   This carbonate was subjected to intense slip folding deformation resulting in tectonic disintegration producing boudin like dolomite-magnesite orebodies.   Scheelite mineralisation was traced over a vertical interval of up to 300 m within the mine and was best developed at the contact of footwall phyllites and the magnesite carbonates.

Magnesite was discovered in 1910 and mined from 1927 to 1976.   Scheelite was first recognised in 1952 and mined from 1956 to 1972.   Scheelite mineralisation within the larger magnesite deposits amounted to 0.5 Mt @ 0.9% WO3.

For detail consult the reference(s) listed below.

The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 1995.    
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below.
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    Selected References
Raith J G, Grum W, Prochaska W, Frank W  1995 - Polymetamorphism and polyphase deformation of the strata-bound Magnesite-Scheelite deposit, Tux-Lanersbach, eastern Alps, Austria: in    Econ. Geol.   v90 pp 763-781

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