Ulukent, Dodu, Gokceovacik, Caldag |
Turkiye / Turkey |
Main commodities:
Super Porphyry Cu and Au

IOCG Deposits - 70 papers
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The Ulukent and Dodu black shale hosted manganese deposits are two of a number located in the Taurides region of south-western Turkey, near the town of Ulukent. Other deposits include the smaller Gokceovacik and Caldag ores 65 km to the south nearer the coast.
The host sequence is a concordant package of Triassic clastics (basal conglomerate, overalin by progressively finer clastics and then dolomitic limestone), Jurassic carbonates, and early to middle Cretaceous cherty limestones, capped by rudaceous limestone. The ore is up to 15 m thick (averaging 5 m), of late Cretaceous age and occurs above the cherty limestones. Basement is of late Palaeozoic quartz-schist. The ore has been affected by supergene processes to form Mn oxide ore, mainly pyrolusite.
The Mn ore horizon at Ulukent is intercalated with cherty limestone, cherty shale and bituminous chert and shale. Veins of Mn oxides occur at the cherty limestone to grey shale contact, which grades upwards into black shale and black to brownish pyritic cherty shale, marked by silica increasing and carbonate decreasing. The ore unit is reddish at the base and conglomeratic, passing up into nodular oxide-silicate-carbonate mineralisation and finally the supergene enriched high grade oxide ore. The ore horizon is overlain by grey shale with rare pyrite.
Ulukent has potential (in 1997) to yield several tens of millions of tonnes of between 20 and 50% Mn.
Gokceovacik contains 300 000 tonnes of 30% Mn, 8% Si, 3% Fe.
For detail consult the reference(s) listed below.
The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 1997.
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below. © Copyright Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, storage or dissemination prohibited.
Ozturk H, Hein J R 1997 - Mineralogy and stable isotopes of black shale-hosted Manganese ores, southwestern Taurides, Turkey: in Econ. Geol. v92 pp 733-744
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