Majdanpek |
Serbia, Serbia |
Main commodities:
Cu Au
Super Porphyry Cu and Au

IOCG Deposits - 70 papers
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The Majdanpek porphyry copper deposit, which had an estimated total pre-mining resource of approximately 1000 Mt @ 0.6% Cu, 0.3-0.4g/t Au, is located in the Timok Mountains of eastern Serbia, approximately 120 km SE of the capital, Beograd (Belgrade).
Majdanpek is the most northerly of the porphyry copper deposits associated with the Timok Magmatic Complex (TMC). The TMC is part of the greater geological framework that comprises the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride metallogenic-geodynamic province (Heinrich and Neubauer, 2002), also elsewhere referred to as the Carpatho-Balkan Magmatic Belt (see Herrington et al., 2003 and references therein).
The TMC itself is an approximately north-south, lozenge shaped belt of extrusive and intrusive units emplaced during the late Cretaceous. The complex is approximately 100 km in length north-south, up to 25 km at it's widest, and has a total area of around 1130 sq km (Cocic et al., 2002).
The country rocks of the TMC comprise a basement of Proterozoic metamorphics overlain by Palaeozoic metamorphic and sedimentary formations intruded by Hercynian granitoids (Cocic et al., 2002). Xenoliths of these units have been observed within the TMC volcanic succession. For the most part, the Mesozoic of the region is dominated by carbonate units of Triassic, Jurassic and lower Cretaceous ages. These units are folded with a broad regional NW-SE strike. Volcanic facies analysis of the TMC volcanic successions describe the presence of andesitic crypto-domes with hyaloclastic margins, autobrecciated andesitic flows, epiclastics and tuffs. The wide range of facies and their variation with time suggests periods of both sub-aerial explosive, and relatively quiescent sub-aqueous volcanism, which lasted from the Turonian to the Campanian.
The Majdanpek deposit is approximately 5 km in length with an average width of 300 m. Weak copper mineralisation (>0.1% Cu) has been detected to a depth of at least 1000 m (Cocic et al., 2002). Mineralisation is related to sparse and narrow north-south trending andesitic dykes dated at 83 Ma. These dykes intrude along a north-south trending fracture zone cutting Proterozoic and Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks, and Jurassic limestones. Extrusive facies of the TMC are rare at Majdanpek, although they are common farther to the south of the region. Mineralisation is typicaly developed as stockworks, the bulk of which are actually within the metamorphic aureole of the andesitic dykes. There are also numerous skarns and replacement bodies flanking the intrusives, while more distal replacement bodies are found in the Jurassic limestones. The highest copper grades relate to K-silicate alteration and zones of strong silicification. Mo grades are very low throughout the deposit, while the Cu%:Au g/t ratio is approximately 2:1. PGEs occur as minor phases accompanying the copper mineralisation and are recovered at the smelter. Significant supergene upgrading is recorded in an oxidation blanket that was 25 m thick in the north and covered the deposit.
The most recent source geological information used to prepare this decription was dated: 2005.
This description is a summary from published sources, the chief of which are listed below. © Copyright Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, storage or dissemination prohibited.
Armstong R, Kozelj D and Herrington R 2005 - The Majdanpek Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit of Eastern Serbia: A Review: in Porter, T.M. (Ed), 2005 Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits - A Global Perspective, PGC Publishing, Adelaide, v.2 pp. 453-466
Ciobanu, C.L., Cook, N.J. and Stein, H., 2002 - Regional setting and geochronology of the Late Cretaceous Banatitic Magmatic and Metallogenetic Belt: in Mineralium Deposita v.37, pp. 541-567.
Clark A H and Ullrich T D 2004 - 40Ar- 39Ar age data for andesitic magmatism and hydrothermal activity in the Timok Massif, eastern Serbia: implications for metallogenetic relationships in the Bor copper-gold subprovince: in Mineralium Deposita v39 pp 256-262
Heinrich C A, Neubauer F 2002 - Cu - Au - Pb - Zn - Ag metallogeny of the Alpine - Balkan - Carpathian - Dinaride geodynamic province: in Mineralium Deposita v37 pp 533-540
Herrington R, Jankovic S and Kozelj D 1998 - The Bor and Majdanpek copper-gold deposits in the context of the Bor Metallogenic Zone: in Porter, T.M. (Ed), 1998 Porphyry and Hydrothermal Copper and Gold Deposits - A Global Perspective PGC Publishing, Adelaide, pp 185-194
Lips, A., Herrington, R., Stein, G., Kozelj, D., Popov, K. and Wijbrans, J 2004 - Refined tuning of porphyry copper formation in the Serbian and Bulgarian portions of the Cretaceous Carpatho-Balkan Belt: in Econ. Geol. v99 pp. 601-609
Zimmerman, A., Stein, H.J., Hannah, J.L., Kozelj, D., Bogdanov, K. and Berza, T., 2008 - Tectonic configuration of the Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie belt, Balkans-South Carpathians, constrained by high precision Re-Os molybdenite ages: in Mineralium Deposita v.43, pp. 1-21.
Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd (PorterGeo) provides access to this database at no charge. It is largely based on scientific papers and reports in the public domain, and was current when the sources consulted were published. While PorterGeo endeavour to ensure the information was accurate at the time of compilation and subsequent updating, PorterGeo, its employees and servants: i). do not warrant, or make any representation regarding the use, or results of the use of the information contained herein as to its correctness, accuracy, currency, or otherwise; and ii). expressly disclaim all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or conclusions contained herein.
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