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OzTour '99
Key Australian Base Metal and Gold Deposits
9-29 May, 1999 - In Two Separate Modules


MODULE 1  -  South-western Australia

Flying in to Olympic Dam , South Australia

At Great Central Mines Bronzewing, Western Australia

Lunch between Mt Keith & Bronzewing

On the Murrin Murrin East project site

At the Kambalda discovery gossan

Module 1 Group at Golden Grove, Western Australia

The Cessna Conquests at Golden Grove

MODULE 2  -  Eastern Australia

Core at McArthur River, Northern Territory

Looking into the Century Pit, Queensland

Looking at core at Cannington, Queensland

At Cannington Mine airstrip, Queensland

With Barney Stevens of the NSW DMR

Module 2 Group at Broken Hill, New South Wales

At Western Metals' Hellyer Mine, Tasmania

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An AMF-PorterGeo International Study Tour
This tour was designed, developed, organised, managed and escorted by
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