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Iron 2002-03
Key Iron Deposits of the World
September 2002 & March-April 2003


MODULE 1 - Australia

  Module 1 Group Photo in Australia.

 At the BHP Billiton Mt. Whaleback mine.

  Dales Gorge Member, Cathedral Gorge.

  Marra Mamba ore at West Angelas.

  Ore & core at Yandicoogina.

  Hamersley Basin Field Workshop, day 1.

  The Module 1 Group in Dales Gorge.

  Hamersley Basin Field Workshop, day 2.

  At Mount Tom Price.

  At the Marandoo operation.

  At the Paraburdoo mine.

  Visit to Robe River's Mesa J operation.

  Trains, to the coast.

MODULE 2A - South Africa

  Module 2A Group Photo, South Africa.

  Kumba Resources' Thabazimbi mine.

  Geology over a braai at Thabazimbi.

  At the Sishen Pit.

  Welgevonden/Sishen South Project.

  In the field, office & pit at Beeshoek.

  Expert workshop in Johannesburg.

MODULE 2B - Brazil

  Module 2B Group Photo in Brazil.

  On the railway to Carajás.

  Welcome to Carajás.

  In the Carajás N4 Pit.

  Tour group in the Carajás N5 Pit.

  Within, above & outside of the Carajás pits.

 Quadrilatero Ferrifero Field Workshop, day 1.

 QF Field Wshop & Ouro Preto, day 2.

 In the CVRD Conceicão pit.

  CVRD hospitality at Itabira.

  At the CSN Casa de Pedra mine.

  Presentation in transit in São Paulo.

  At the MCR Corumba iron mine.

  At the CVRD Urucum Fe-Mn mine.

  Mining at Urucum.

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A PorterGeo International Study Tour
This tour was designed, developed, organised, managed and escorted by
T M (Mike) Porter of Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd.
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