Composite Tour Group Photo.
Classroom presentations.
Studying core at the DMITRE core library.
HILLSIDE, South Australia
Overview presentations.
Drill core and field exposure.
Tour Group at Hillside.
CARRAPATEENA, South Australia
Carrapateena briefing.
Interesting drill core.
"Off-highway" charter bus.
OLYMPIC DAM, South Australia
Olympic Dam presentations.
Drill core across the Olympic Dam Breccia Complex.
Tour Group with BHP Billiton staff.
PROMINENT HILL, South Australia
Arrival at Prominent Hill.
A day at Prominent Hill.
Tour Group at Prominent Hill.
CLONCURRY WORKSHOP, Northwest Queensland
Classroom workshop with Dr Nick Oliver.
Field workshop, Gilded Rose area.
ERNEST HENRY / E1, Northwest Queensland
Ernest Henry and E1 open pits.
Ernest Henry drill core.
At Mount Fort Constantine.
MOUNT ELLIOTT, Northwest Queensland
4WD fleet on the road south to Mount Elliott.
Mount Elliott field briefing.
Drill core & discussion.
ROSEBY, Northwest Queensland
Roseby office, core and field visit.
The tour group overviewing the Roseby project.