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  All ore deposits - in country and alphabetic order

Master photo album - participants & highlights
  No new tours are planned - past tours included:
OzGold 2019,
Australian Gold Deposits

        - Photo album
Andean Porphyries 2017-18,
Porphyry Cu & Au in the Andes

        - Photo album for Andean Porphyries 2017 and 2018
Sediment Hosted Copper in Africa & Europe

        - Photo album
IOCG 2013,
Australian Iron-oxide Copper-Gold Deposits

        - Photo album
Epithermal Gold 2012,
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific

        - Photo album
OzGold 2011,
Major Australian Gold Deposits

        - Photo album
AsiaPacific 2010,
Asia Pacific Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits

        - Photo album
Iron 2010,
Major Iron Deposits, Brazil and South Africa

        - Photo album
Uranium 2009,
Australian Uranium Deposits

        - Photo album
Tethyan 2008,
Gold & Copper in the Western Tethyan Belt

        - Photo album
ADIMB Australia 2008,
Australian Gold & Base Metal Deposits

        - Group Photo
Orient Gold 2007,
Gold Deposits of the Orient

        - Photo album
IOCG 07,
Iron Oxide Cu-Au in South America

        - Photo album
TienShan 2006,
Gold Bearing Deposits of Central Asia

        - Photo album
Nickel 2006,
Magmatic Nickel Sulphide Deposits

        - Photo album
Bushveld 2006,
Geology & Mineralisation of the Bushveld Complex

        - Group photo
IOCG 05,
Iron Oxide Cu-Au Deposits of Australia

        - Photo album
Northern Australia '05,
Base Metal Mines of Northern Australia

        - Group photo
Epithermal Gold 2005,
Epithermal Gold Deposits in the Western Pacific

        - Photo album
Super Porphyry 2003-04,
        - Photo album
Iron 2002-03,
Key Iron Deposits of the World

        - Photo album
Eldorado 2001,
New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America

        - Photo album
Africa-B 2001,
Mineral Deposits of Southern & Central Africa

        - Photo album
FeOx 2000,
Iron Oxide Copper-Gold deposits

        - Photo album
Africa 2000,
Gold Deposits of East & West Africa

        - Photo album
Nickel 2000,
Major Nickel Deposits of the World

        - Photo album
        - Review article
OzMines '99,
Major Australian Base Metal Mines

        - Group photo
        - Review article
NewGold '99,
New Gold Discoveries & Mines

        - Photo album
        - Review article - Gold Gazette
Pacific Gold '99,
Major Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific

        - Photo album
        - Review article - Gold Gazette
OzTour '99,
Key Australian Base Metal & Gold Deposits

        - Photo album
        - Preview article - Minerals Gazette
        - Review article - AusIMM Bull
EpiGold '98,
Epithermal Gold Deposits in the Tropics

        - Group photo
Zinc '98,
Zinc Deposits of Europe & North America

        - Photo album
        - Review article - Minerals Gazette
        - Review article - AusIMM Bull
Cordillera '98,
Porphyry Cu & Au, Cordillera of the Americas

        - Photo album
        - Review article - Gold Gazette
        - Review article - AusIMM Bull
OzGold '97,
Australian Gold Deposits

        - Photo album
        - Review article - Gold Gazette
Archaean Gold '97,
Archaean Gold Deposits, North America & Africa

        - Photo album
        - Review article - Gold Gazette
Archipelago '97,
Cu & Au Deposits of the SE Asian Archipelago

        - Photo album
        - Review article - Gold Gazette

Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold & Related
Deposits: A Global Perspective, Volume 1, 2000

        - Hitzman MR - What, Where, When, and Why?
        - Barton MD, Johnson DA - Brine Sources
        - Pollard P - Magmatic Fluids & Sources
        - Yardley BWD, et al. - Chemistry of Brines
        - Haynes DW - IOCG in Ore Deposit Spectrum
        - Reynolds L - Olympic Dam
        - Williams PJ, Skirrow RG - Cloncurry & Curnamona
        - Mark G, et al. - Ernest Henry
        - Skirrow RG - Tennant Creek
        - Teal GS, Fanning CM - Portia, Curnamona
        - Marschik R, et al. - Candelaria & Punta del Cobre
        - Hopper D, Correa A - Panulcillo & Teresa de Colmo
        - Ronze PC, et al. - Alemao, Carajas
        - Tazava E, de Oliveira CG - Igarape Bahia, Carajas
        - Souza LH, Vieira EAP - Salobo, Carajas
        - Requia K, Fontbote L, - Salobo, Carajas
        - Seeger CM - South-east Missouri
        - Goad RE, et al., - Great Bear Magmatic Zone
        - Carlon CJ - Northern Sweden
        - Smith M, Wu Chengyu - Bayan Obo
        - Nisbet B, et al. - Zambia, Sweden & Australia
        - Fourie PJ - Vergenoeg, South Africa
        - Harmer RE - Phalaborwa, South Africa
        - Vielreicher NM - Phalaborwa, South Africa
Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold & Related
Deposits: A Global Perspective, Volume 2, 2002

        - Ferris GM, et al. - Gawler Craton, Part 1
        - Skirrow RG, et al. - Gawler Craton, Part 2
        - Davidson G, et al. - Monakoff, NW Qld
        - Sleigh D - Selwyn Line Deposits, NW Qld
        - Injoque Espinoza J - Peru Overview
        - Hawkes N, et al. - Marcona & Pampa Pongo, Peru
        - Ray GE, Dick LA - Productora, Chile
        - Dow RJ, Hitzman MW - Arizaro & Lindero, Argentina
        - Boric R, et al. - El Soldado, Chile
        - Maksaev V, Zentilli M - Chilean Manto Deposits
        - Naslund HR, et al. - El Laco & Magmatic Iron Ores
        - Crainger C, et al. - Serra Pelada, Carajas
        - Friehauf K, et al. - Adirondack & Mid-Atlantic Belt
        - Laznicka P - Wernecke Breccias, Canada
        - Strickland C, Martyn JE - Guelb Moghrein, Mauritania
        - McLean RN - Sin Quyen, Vietnam
        - Daliran F - Bafq District, Iran
        - Knight J, et al. - Khetri Copper Belt, India
        - Herrington R, et al. - IOCG in the Urals
        - Smith RJ - Geophysics
Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold & Related
Deposits: A Global Perspective, Volume 3, 2010

        - Porter T M, - Understanding, Overview and Review
        - Williams P, et al. - IOCG Fluid Sources
        - Hayward N and Skirrow R - Gawler Craton, Australia
        - Conor C, et al. - Moonta-Wallaroo-Hillside, Australia
        - Freeman H, et al. - Mt Woods Inlier, Australia
        - Porter T M, et al. - Carrapateena, Australia
        - Rusk B, et al. - Ernest Henry, Australia
        - Brown M and Porter T M - Mount Elliott, Australia
        - McLellan J, et al. - E Fold Belt, NW Qld, Australia
        - Chen, H, et al. - Central Andes IOCG
        - Reiger AA, et al. - Mantoverde, Chile
        - Xavier RP, et al. - Carajas Province, Brazil
Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold & Related
Deposits: A Global Perspective, Volume 4, 2010

        - Corriveau L, et al. - IOCG in Canada
        - Hunt J, et al. - Wernecke Breccias, Canada
        - Stensgaard BO, et al. - Greenland Potential
        - Billstrom K, et al. - Fennoscandian Shield
        - Wanhainen C, Martinsson O - Aitik, Sweden
        - Smith M, et al. - Rakkurijarvi, Sweden
        - Carriedo J, et al. - Ossa Morena Zone, Spain
        - Hawkins T, et al. - Turgai Belt, Kazakhstan
        - Soloviev SG - Altai-Sayan, Siberia, Russia
        - Soloviev SG - Angara-Ilim, Siberia, Russia
        - Soloviev SG - Aldan Shield, Siberia, Russia
        - Pelleter E, et al. - Tamlalt-Menhouhou, Morocco
        - Kolb J, et al. - Guelb Moghrein, Mauritania
        - Kuscu I, et al. - Turkish Tethyan Collage
Porphyry & Hydrothermal Copper-Gold Deposits:
A Global Perspective, Porter T M (Ed.), 1998

        - Porter T M - Preface, Overview
        - Sillitoe RH - Factors Favouring Large Size
        - Rickus J - Economic Factors
        - Widodo S, et al. - Kucing Liar, Grasberg
        - Kyaw Win, Kirwin D - Monywa, Myanma/Burma
        - Disina A, et al. - Mankayan District, Philippines
        - Bakke AA, et al. - Fort Knox, Alaska, USA
        - Bisso B. C, et al. - Collahuasi, Chile
        - Cuadra P, Camus F - Radomiro Tomic, Chile
        - Perello J, et al. - Agua Rico, Argentina
        - Samani B - Porphyries in Iran
        - Tobey E, et al. - Skouries, Greece
        - Herrington R, et al. - Bor-Majdanpek, Serbia
        - Sokolov A - Khazakhstan & Central Asia
        - Kay BD, et al. - Jerooy, Kyrgyz Republic
        - Burger B - Muruntau, Uzbekistan
Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits:
A Global Perspective, Volume 1, 2005

        - Brown, S. - Alumbrera, Argentina
        - Camus, F. - The Andean Porphyry Systems
        - Cook, S, et al. - Southwest North America
        - Faunes, A. et al., - Chuquicamata, Chile
        - Lipten, E.J. et al., - Antamina, Peru
        - McInnes, B. et al. - Thermochronometry
        - McMillan, W. - Highland Valley, Canada
        - Masterman, G., et al. - Collahuasi, Chile
        - Phillips, C.H., et al., - Bingham Canyon, USA
        - Porter, T.M., - Escondida, Chile, A Review
        - Richards, J.P. - Generation of Giant Porphyries
        - Skewes, A. et al., - El Teniente, Chile
        - Stern, C., Skewes, A. - Southern Chile Porphyries
Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits:
A Global Perspective, Volume 2, 2005

        - Armstrong, R. et al., - Majdanpek, Serbia
        - Friehauf, K. et al., - Ertsberg, Indonesia
        - Gerel, O., et al. - Erdenet, Mongolia
        - Golovanov, I. et al., - Almalyk, Uzbekistan
        - Hou, Zengqian - Indo-Asian Collision Zone, China
        - Paterson, J., Cloos, M. - Grasberg, Magmatic, Indon.
        - Paterson, J., Cloos, M. - Grasberg, Alteration, Indon.
        - Porter, T.M., Glen, R. - Macquarie Arc, Australia
        - Rohrlach, B., et al. - Tampakan, Philippines
        - Rui, Zongyao, et al. - Dexing, China
        - Seltmann, R. et al., - Central Eurasia
        - Zarasvandi, A. - Iranian Porphyries


        - SGA2009 Session B6, Genesis of IOCG Deposits
        - Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Cu-Au & Related Deposits
        - Porphyry & Hydrothermal Cu & Au Deposits

Oyu Tolgoi paper in Geoscience Frontiers,
Jinchuan paper in Geoscience Frontiers,
Central Eurasian porphyry and epithermal paper in
      Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

34th ICG IOCG presentation abstracts
Recent conference, monograph chapter, scientific journal papers